It depends on my mood, if I confront a rude person. I try hard to just ignore em and go on my way. But if my mood is just right and the rudeness factor enough to push me over the edge, I'll say something.
One of my pet peeves...unruly children in restaurants.
I'm not talking McDonald's. Fast food places are designed to attract children and parents, so I understand there is going to some amount of childish behavior in those places...
I'm talking a nice sit-down, mid- to upper-scale restaurant. The unruly behvior of children in these places is unaccaptable. I'm paying top dollar for not just my food and wine/cocktail but for the atmosphere and decor. I want the full experience of the event. And having some snot-nosed, crumb-crunching, ill-mannered, spoiled brat running around disrupting everyone's meal will send me into a fit. I'll start by trying to get eye contact with the parent. If they see enough people glancing at them, maybe they'll get the hint. If that doesn't do it, I will say something. I have before and I've been an asshole about it. If people can't control their kids any better, then go to McDonald's or better yet, stay home and let civilized people enjoy their meal in peace.
It's not really the kid's's the parents. Kids don't know what they haven't been taught. But the parents are adults and should know...and should be training their kids. If they don't, they'll get a quick lesson if their kids mess up my meal.