Watchtower trivia question:
In what year, according to the Watchtower Society, did they become "Jehovah's Witnesses"?
by cabasilas 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Watchtower trivia question:
In what year, according to the Watchtower Society, did they become "Jehovah's Witnesses"?
This is a trick question... :)
Try again.
Well, good answer. But, in the modern era when did they become "Jehovah's Witnesses" according to the Watchtower Society? Not 1931.
Do you mean when were the great crowd promoted to become "Jehovah's Witnesses" along with the anointed?
If so, sometime in the 1940s or 50s?
:But, in the modern era when did they become "Jehovah's Witnesses" according to the Watchtower Society? Not 1931.
Do you mean when they became Jehovah's Witnesses when before they were only Jehovah's witnesses?
That's another good answer. But, none of them were "Jehovah's Witnesses" according to the Watchtower Society until this year.... When was it?
Farkel's on the right track... what's the year?
I believe it was sometime in the 1960's (I could look it up, but am too lazy) when they went from "Jehovah's witnesses" to "Jehovah's Witnesses." Since you keep putting the term in quotes, I'm still guessing that is what you mean here.