Inability to take hints

by rebel8 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    Reniaa needs shooting, she really does.

  • rebel8

    reniaa, What does your post have to do with the price of tea in China?

  • MidwichCuckoo
    Isaac - midwichcuckoo, that is what her words have conveyed, probably an inadvertant admission on her part

    Oh yes, lol

  • drwtsn32

    I don't understand what you're saying.

    Come back later and explain it again -- I'm too busy right now.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Rebel: "reniaa, What does your post have to do with the price of tea in China?"

    That's an easy one, Rebel. The topic is: "Inability to take hints." As the OP mentions polite ways to try to get rid of dubs, Reniaa the dub-wanna-be appears. True to form, she states how dubs are so intelligent in wasting their time where they're not wanted talking about stuff that people don't agree with. Then as people start responding to Ren, in essence, "beat it, Troll!" She then takes that as an invitation to keep posting the usual nonsense about how thoughtful the dubs are and how poor the examples of Jesus and Paul are. Proof positive that some people cannot take hints.

    I hope this helps! Have a nice day!

    B the X

  • BabaYaga

    Rebel, you have really hit it on the head, we couldn't take hints and we were socially "retarded" in other ways, too.

    I have brought up the subject that we were taught never to say "I'm sorry". I guess we learned that from "Mother", the Org. They certainly don't apologize for their false prophecies, they somehow manage to blame it on the rank and file!

    When we were "trained for the ministry", we were taught that we were always right, we always had to have the answer and the last word, no matter how we rationalized it. That is powerful training, but it's not much good in a real relationship. Folks need to be able to admit they were wrong and apologize. That is one reason that JWs come off as being so haughty and smug... they always "know" they are right, and are not likely to EVER say they are "sorry" about ANYTHING.

  • rebel8

    Thanks Billy! LOL

    reniaa, I did notice the compliment.

  • dinah

    Why do we constantly let this twit hijack threads?

    Edited cos I misspelled twit. Woulda been funny had I just left it alone.

  • Farkel


    :Poor Paul and Jesus they would have hidden from a PC world were we must keep to inanities of conversation rather than be zealous about our God.

    You mean like when Peter whacked that guy's ear off? Sure got HIS attention, though! Nothing PC about that one!


  • isaacaustin

    Reniaa, why were you reproved again? Although I doubt you ever really were, or were ever even a JW anyway. But, what do you claim to have been reproved for?

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