I think I'd better apologize and plant some BS. She lives where my family lives and just may try some theocratic warfare on me, even though she is still df'd and her family doesn't talk to her. She must be miserable to be caught in limbo like that.
Apostacloset: BIG NO NO!
by White Dove 36 Replies latest jw friends
Uhm, Crimson? Copy and paste this thread? Are you serious? That would not be a good idea!
I think you handled it well (for the nonce) White Dove. By many definitions, you are not an apostate. Of course, Russell was... and so is any JW who was not "born-in", because they turned away from the faith in which they were raised.
This is normal among D'fed and Da'd people.
One example is my mother in law. She stopped going to meetings, and basically faded out for a couple of years now, but not because she knew any of the things most of us know about the bOrg, but mainly because she was mistreated by the elders and congo in general.
She celebrates all the holidays (b-day, Xmas, ect.), she lives with a man that's not married to her, but she will not permit anyone to speak negatively about the bOrg.
I feel sorry for ppl like that, they do not live as jdubs, but in the back of their mind they think that it is THEMSELVES who are weak and at fault.
Brainwashing is a powerful thing...
White Dove
I took part of Crimson's advice and BS'd an apology. I am sorry for using a term that upset her so much. I said how I understand where she is coming from, how she still loves JH and his org. and ways. I used to, too. I don't now, though, that's for sure. That doesn't make me an apostate by definition. Simply disagreeing with that religion does not make one apposed. I didn't tell her that part, though. Just that I understood where she is coming from and that she's a fantastic person.
Mastodon said: She celebrates all the holidays (b-day, Xmas, ect.), she lives with a man that's not married to her, but she will not permit anyone to speak negatively about the bOrg.
You might not believe this, but that was ME just a few years ago. I never spoke negatively of the Witnesses or the Watchtower Organization. I never, EVER went looking for any "dirt" on them. Thankfully, for me, the "dirt" just manifested itself without a search!
Me accidentally discovering something about the UN involvement brought everything crashing down... many years after I no longer considered myself a Witness.
White Dove
That is exactly what she said, that if she is df'd and doesn't go to the meetings then it's HER fault, not anyone else's. She said that she doesn't speak bad about them or allow others to, either.
White Dove
She has been out for 3 years now. What are the odds that she stays out and becomes like us?
You might not believe this, but that was ME just a few years ago. I never spoke negatively of the Witnesses or the Watchtower Organization. I never, EVER went looking for any "dirt" on them. Thankfully, for me, the "dirt" just manifested itself without a search!
Me accidentally discovering something about the UN involvement brought everything crashing down... many years after I no longer considered myself a Witness.
I think most of us where, to some degree, like that at one time or another...
What would White Dove have to lose by sharing thisthread? Maybe the friend would see there is a whole world of folks out here that DO care about her and understand, and maybe, just maybe, find some peace. I don't know, it was just a thought. Glad you made the apology WD, those things go a looong way in mending rifts.
White Dove
My daughter just said that the condemned shouldn't judge and the former friend of mine is a self righteous bitch for stating her position as: I don't talk to apostates, so if you are one, please don't contact me anymore. I think my daughter is right. JW's are primed to be rude by every meeting they go to. They are taught to be firm in their stand against apostates. It's such a turn off and gives a bad witness doing that. They don't even see it.