Are we the same as JW's talking about Armageddon being close, when we say, "I think the JW Organization will end soon because..."?

by BonaFide 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt

    Watchtower will be going strong long after I'm dead. So will Islam, Scientology and The Amish.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Any of us that says the end of WTS is near takes the personal responsibility for understanding that we can be wrong.
    WTS might find a way to survive.

    WTS claims that God says Armageddon is soon and blames the members for misunderstanding each time they are wrong.

    We don't claim that everyone in that "system of things" (WTS members) will be destroyed if they don't get out of her.

    There is a similarity in that we are proclaiming our wishful thinking.

  • isaacaustin

    but, we do not proclaim the end of the WT by a certain date or time limit in the name of God.

  • isaacaustin

    We do not "build confidence in the Creator's promise of the fall of the WT before the generation that saw the events of 1914 completely passes away."

  • OnTheWayOut

    We do say that the growth of the anti-JW movement is proof of the internet God's blessings.

    That's kinda sorta the same, but not really.

  • WTWizard

    There are always going to be a few humanoids that are bent on controling those under them--hence the witlesses are going to appeal to them (along with the pedophiles that they are protecting). And, there is always the shot that enough people will be scammed (and that is especially so if the One World Totalitarian Government ever shuts down the Internet) that they will hit Critical Mass--enough to seize control of the world, and effectively plunge the whole world into the Second Dark Ages.

  • undercover
    With DFing gone, all their wacky beliefs and stupid fake prophecies and petty little bullshit will not be important. As long as people would be totally free to walk away (or stay, for that matter) from the religion without having their lives ruined by doing so, I don't give a rat WHAT the WTS does.

    That's a good point. Take away the shunning and ostracizing, there wouldn't be any real reason to harp on their quirky beliefs.

    Back to the original question:

    Are we the same as JW's talking about Armageddon being close...

    "We" being who exactly? Not all ex-JWs, apostates, faders, etc. talk about, or think that, the Society is going anywhere. They're restructuring in changing times. They've done it before. Yea, some do look at some of the changes and get all giddy, hoping that it means the demise, but I think the majority of us realize that despite the downturn and the problems, they'll continue to exist.

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