What happens when you pull an instant fade?

by bluecanary 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • bluecanary

    I left the JWs one year ago by moving accross the country and not going to a new hall. The dubs in my last hall knew I was moving and they know I haven't requested my card for a new hall. What do they usually do in such a circumstance?

    If they get word that I'm not a witness anymore, will my ex-husband be considered free to remarry, even without proof of fornication?

    I told my best friend (an inactive sister in another state) I wasn't a witness anymore. Her OCD husband (who is only just studying with the witnesses) said if I didn't anounce myself to the elders, he would. I have every reason to believe he followed through. I don't know whether he would have told his local elders or tried to follow-up with the last hall I was in (though I don't know how he could figure out which hall I was in). Would his local elders try to track my hall down? Is that possible?

    It's not really important. I'd just like to stay off the radar. The biggest reason for me is that I busted my butt to be the best Witness possible. I often felt that others looked down on me as never being good enough. I recently learned that, in certain halls, my peers didn't like me because I was too good a Dub. Compared to them I was like an apostle. But I know there were some nasty people who never gave me the benefit of the doubt and I don't want to give them the oportunity to sneer and say, "Well, we saw that coming."

    As for my ex, he is free to remarry acording to the law of the land. But not acording to the GB and I'd like to keep it that way. For one thing, I still respect the young witness women who are sincere in their beliefs and I don't want to see one of them suckered into marriage with that creep. For another, he is a charlatan who used the society's rules to get away with unchristian behavior. If he wants to play by those rules, I say let him.

  • jamiebowers
    If they get word that I'm not a witness anymore, will my ex-husband be considered free to remarry, even without proof of fornication?


  • allelsefails

    As far as you telling someone you weren't a witness anymore - there would have to be 2 witnesses to you making that statement and then the elders could announce that you had disassociated yourself. This would NOT free your husband to remarry. As long as he doesn't have witnesses to you being with someone else or you don't tell him you've been with someone else he can't remarry. Of course if he just tells the elders you said you were with someone else he will be free to marry. Sounds like he wouldn't have a problem telling the lie and the elders would believe it for sure. Best thing - forget all the abuse and try to move forwad building your new life - you can't protect people that don't want your help.

  • Odrade

    Let me get this straight: you got divorced, left the JWs, moved across the country to a (presumably) whole new life, where you've now had new sexual partners and/or relationships, and you're worried about making sure your EX-husband doesn't have the congregation's permission to remarry because you think he's a jerk?

    Perhaps the question shouldn't be: "does he have scriptural grounds to remarry if nobody finds out I've slept with someone?"

    but rather: "where can I find a good counselor who will help me not to waste anymore time trying to punish someone I've already removed from my life?"

  • ziddina

    YOW! OdRade! Good one!

    Like OdRade said... You've [in effect] disassociated yourself. Do you have family/friends still in - that you really, really care about??

    Keep in mind that you can make new friends, and even pick up a surrogate mother/father/sister/brother or two...

    I picked up a surrogate mother after my own [Jehovah's Witness] biological incubator and biological sperm donor turned out to be such monstrous twits... BEAT me into the religion, all while acting like hypocrites themselves...

    You CAN make a better life for yourself. Get started on it ASAP! We ARE cheering for you!


  • oompa

    odrade, zid.......back up a bit........canary is not sleeping around (yet).......where did you get that?......she said he is free to remarry by local law...not GB law..........just protecting your reputation canary!!.........i like how you dont want him ruining some sistas life!!!........lmao.........oomps

    and instead of totally saying you are not jw.....you cant just say......"im just not feeling it right now"..........

  • bluecanary

    Thanks for the defense oompa, but they pegged me right. I have a boyfriend with whom I am intimate. And if my ex gets remarried in or out of the witnesses, that's fine. I'm not going to help him with it and I'm not going out of my way to prevent it. I only asked the question out of curiosity for how the rules generally work. I'm not worried about, if for no other reason than the guy weighs more than 400 pounds and lives in his parents basement. And if you didn't think I needed a shrink before, I'm sure you do now.

    I have one friend who's like a sister to me. I want to help her. Both she and her husband were present when I told her I was done with the Witnesses. My brother would also like to help a few friends. He has a better chance than I do, but he wants my help and I'd like my words to be credible.

    Apart from those couple of friends, I'm done with the dubs. My family, whom I'm very close to, is out with me and I've started new friendships and a loving relationship with a wonderful boyfriend. I now look forward to starting a family, something I could never have with the witnesses. My only trouble these days is looking for work but I can't blame the dubs for the economy.

    Thanks for the replies everyone.

  • OnTheWayOut
    If he wants to play by those rules, I say let him.

    I understand what you said. He is free to remarry. He just has to decide that WTS rules are wrong.
    You are doing him a favor. You are not restricting him from anything.

  • undercover

    If you want to stay under the radar, don't announce to anyone who is connected to the JWs that you're done with it. Just quietly go about your business and avoid all things JW.

    If someone tries to pressure you to admit wanting to leave or to talk to elders or confess anything, don't do it. And forget the ex-husband. He's old news, don't let revenge cloud your thinking as you try to quietly leave the cult behind.

    To fade is an art. It means to melt into the background until you are forgotten by most everyone from your old JW lifestyle. The tricky part is keeping family ties while leaving the JW part behind. It can't be done instantly. It takes time.

  • thomas15


    I'm a volunteer firefighter in a semi-rural part of NE PA. We don't really get that many house fires, maybe 1 per month including mutual aid with the surrounding towns. One of the factors in fighting fires is that we don't have hydrants in most of the township. So, we have to truck in water using tanker trucks. This takes time to set up and maintain. In the meantime, the fire doesn't slow down just to make it fair.

    Last thursday we were called out for a house fire in the next town over. I rode on my companies first truck out and we were on-scene very quickly, before the "home team" started flowing water. The house, a large 2 story with attached garage was fully involved, fire on both floors, the attic and basement. As I exited the truck I said to one of my fellow firefighters "this house is a gonner". And it was, the family lost 100% of everything they owned. We spent 4 hours on-scene and finally left at 12:30 AM. I got home at 1:30AM.

    My point you ask. Even though it was clear to everyone that we couldn't save this place and the fire itself wasn't our fault, we still did the absolutle best we could for the homeowners. We did draw the line on one thing, that is we didn't place ourselves in a dangerous position to save the unsavable. We did however maintain our pride in a job well done.

    And that is my advice to you. You cannot save everything, You can do the best you can but remember you are #1. Do what you can, be professional and sincere, feel the pain of the patient but don't put yourself in a position that endangers your well being. You can't save them all.

    Just my advice,

    Take care (of yourself),



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