I left the JWs one year ago by moving accross the country and not going to a new hall. The dubs in my last hall knew I was moving and they know I haven't requested my card for a new hall. What do they usually do in such a circumstance?
If they get word that I'm not a witness anymore, will my ex-husband be considered free to remarry, even without proof of fornication?
I told my best friend (an inactive sister in another state) I wasn't a witness anymore. Her OCD husband (who is only just studying with the witnesses) said if I didn't anounce myself to the elders, he would. I have every reason to believe he followed through. I don't know whether he would have told his local elders or tried to follow-up with the last hall I was in (though I don't know how he could figure out which hall I was in). Would his local elders try to track my hall down? Is that possible?
It's not really important. I'd just like to stay off the radar. The biggest reason for me is that I busted my butt to be the best Witness possible. I often felt that others looked down on me as never being good enough. I recently learned that, in certain halls, my peers didn't like me because I was too good a Dub. Compared to them I was like an apostle. But I know there were some nasty people who never gave me the benefit of the doubt and I don't want to give them the oportunity to sneer and say, "Well, we saw that coming."
As for my ex, he is free to remarry acording to the law of the land. But not acording to the GB and I'd like to keep it that way. For one thing, I still respect the young witness women who are sincere in their beliefs and I don't want to see one of them suckered into marriage with that creep. For another, he is a charlatan who used the society's rules to get away with unchristian behavior. If he wants to play by those rules, I say let him.