I answered - 1. Because i didn't feel the need to toot our own horn ( i worded it better) 2. because like it or not, she had a faith in God, and was a great humanitarian and 3. because as James says, what good is it if we just wander off, and not think about someone when they are cold and hungry - works are also acts that require a bit more than handing them a tract.
Good for you! That is as it should be. I always admired Theresa the Nun in India (I still can't
bring myself up to use Mother as a title, but she did earn respect and appreciation for all she
did for the poor people as Jesus would have liked.
Whenever the WT Society offers help, they send in volunteers at the volunteers own expense,
to work for free, then the WT Society gets the credit. What a bunch of poop that is.
I usually bring another Bible to the meeting than the NWT. But there's a lot of Bibles that
the WT Society prints so if anybody complains I open it up to the front and show them...
"See, it's by the Society, that shuts them up. But sometimes I bring a NASB or an NIV,
and bring along one of those pocket NWTs, then if anyone asks what it is I'm looking up
Scriptures in I tell them that it's for research that I have more than one translation. As
of now my prefered Bible translation is the WEB (World English Bible) which is a modern
version of the ASV (which was also published at one time by the WT Society).
At one point I had an old re-bound NWT and KIT that said HOLY BIBLE in faded gold
on the black fake leather cover. An elder from another congregation saw me holding
it one time and said "My that's an awful big thick Bible for such a little one" and I
gave him the ugliest and meanest stare I could. He didn't say another word, turned
around and went away. I felt like concking him on his noggin with my "big thick Bible"
and if he hadn't gone away I just might have. Whenever someone is seen having
something else than a typical NWT it attracts attention.
A few meetings back one young elder came up behind me, I was sitting in the back
row, and stood there, noticing that I had a King James with Jesus words in red.
Well, he disappeared into the foyer and out came he with another older-elder.
They stood behind me, so close I could feel the warmth from their bodies
invading my bubble too close for comfort. Well the older one says something
in a close whisper to the younger one and leaves. And then I feel this pat pat pat
on top of my head. So I looked back and up at him with a "WTF" look and he smiled
this creepy smile. I just got up, got my books and very obviously moved away from
him to another row farther down. Most likely my Dad will hear of yet another
instance when I've been 'difficult.' No doubt, but what I should have done is
told him in a Charlton Heston way to "keep your filthy hands off me you dirty ape!"