Some things really ticked me off at the meeting last night...

by wantarevolution 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Chalam

    Hi WAR,

    Interesting post :)

    2) In the service meeting, there was an item about using the bible - the elder (the same one that took me "aside") stated it was better to get people using the NWT as soon as possible, as some translations could disprove a point we are trying to make due to translations issues.

    I agree. The real translation shows the heretical WT teaching up more clearly because it hasn't been tampered with. Also, the NWT is such poor english that it is difficult to understand anyhow.

    All the best,


  • Gayle

    Don't let them make you their puppet. Hold on to your free mind and personal conscience.

  • Gayle

    Don't let them make you their puppet. Hold on to your free mind and personal conscience.

  • cattails
    I answered - 1. Because i didn't feel the need to toot our own horn ( i worded it better) 2. because like it or not, she had a faith in God, and was a great humanitarian and 3. because as James says, what good is it if we just wander off, and not think about someone when they are cold and hungry - works are also acts that require a bit more than handing them a tract.

    Good for you! That is as it should be. I always admired Theresa the Nun in India (I still can't

    bring myself up to use Mother as a title, but she did earn respect and appreciation for all she

    did for the poor people as Jesus would have liked.

    Whenever the WT Society offers help, they send in volunteers at the volunteers own expense,

    to work for free, then the WT Society gets the credit. What a bunch of poop that is.

    I usually bring another Bible to the meeting than the NWT. But there's a lot of Bibles that

    the WT Society prints so if anybody complains I open it up to the front and show them...

    "See, it's by the Society, that shuts them up. But sometimes I bring a NASB or an NIV,

    and bring along one of those pocket NWTs, then if anyone asks what it is I'm looking up

    Scriptures in I tell them that it's for research that I have more than one translation. As

    of now my prefered Bible translation is the WEB (World English Bible) which is a modern

    version of the ASV (which was also published at one time by the WT Society).

    At one point I had an old re-bound NWT and KIT that said HOLY BIBLE in faded gold

    on the black fake leather cover. An elder from another congregation saw me holding

    it one time and said "My that's an awful big thick Bible for such a little one" and I

    gave him the ugliest and meanest stare I could. He didn't say another word, turned

    around and went away. I felt like concking him on his noggin with my "big thick Bible"

    and if he hadn't gone away I just might have. Whenever someone is seen having

    something else than a typical NWT it attracts attention.

    A few meetings back one young elder came up behind me, I was sitting in the back

    row, and stood there, noticing that I had a King James with Jesus words in red.

    Well, he disappeared into the foyer and out came he with another older-elder.

    They stood behind me, so close I could feel the warmth from their bodies

    invading my bubble too close for comfort. Well the older one says something

    in a close whisper to the younger one and leaves. And then I feel this pat pat pat

    on top of my head. So I looked back and up at him with a "WTF" look and he smiled

    this creepy smile. I just got up, got my books and very obviously moved away from

    him to another row farther down. Most likely my Dad will hear of yet another

    instance when I've been 'difficult.' No doubt, but what I should have done is

    told him in a Charlton Heston way to "keep your filthy hands off me you dirty ape!"

  • BluesBrother
    the snooze fest

    I can relate to that , ok ..

    The type of counsel given seems to have changed a lot since the days when I was a School Overseer.. We would counsel on the point that was working on, but certainly not tell them what the talk should contain....strange...

    BTW I have lost count of the times I have brought home family members from the meeting thoroughly dispirited ...

  • jamiebowers

    If the theme of the talk was how Jesus helped the poor, how in the hell does the preaching work fit in there? The ragazines aren't very nutritious to a hungry belly, and they don't pay the rent. They don't provide vocational training or higher education. Jesus Jumping Christ!

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Actually poverty is often caused by poor work habits and poor attitude. The Kingdom message which Jesus taught us to teach is very ethical, which helps to fix all of that!

  • JWdaughter

    Whatever causes poverty, children suffer in it too, and they have no power, no control and no way to fix it for themselves.

    I work in CCS behavioral health and see the ways that drugs destroy lives and impoverish people. Their children get just as hungry as if their parent was physically unable to work because of MS. And the cycle is scary-we have 3d generation clients!

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    That's why active Witness children in SCHOOLS can be so helpful, I think. Also, Bible studies with such PARENTS often have children listening in, so THAT is hopeful, too. Working WITH such clients is also a great way to provide the Bible hope, in concert with having an active concern in their lives. The DIGNITY of the Kingdom message is great. Rather than tell our own ideas, reading hopeful passages from the BIBLE can be very motivational for those in despair. Teaching them how to READ. Respectful LOVE is the best message any of us can get or give. We feel worthwhile. An interchange of ENCOURAGEMENT takes place.

    13. The only things that are important in life and that really count are faith in God, hope for the future, and having the kind of love for others that Christ had. These are the only three qualities that really matter, and the greatest of these is having the love that Christ had. — 1 Corinthians 13:13, Jack J. Blanco's Clear Water paraphrase.

  • wantarevolution

    Actually poverty is often caused by poor work habits and poor attitude. The Kingdom message which Jesus taught us to teach is very ethical, which helps to fix all of that!

    I'm sure that the millions of shanty dwellers around the world, who do work are glad to hear you say that. Perhaps in your corner of the world this is the case.

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