.... I am so glad Joe and Barb set them straight on some of the aspects regarding the Cult of Nine Men in NY ....
Barbara Anderson just returned from Europe where she vigorously criticized WTs dangerously harmful policies.
by koolaid-man 20 Replies latest jw friends
the research lady
Barbara Anderson makes for a great guest. Many people call in when she has been on the conference call. She is like a "walking encyclopedia". The former Jehovah's Witness community is so glad to have a person like Barbara speaking up in exposing the Watchtower org. To listen to past conference calls click this link. http://www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com/sixscreens-conferencecall.html
In the WTS view, women have no voice.
It seems that in the "world" Barbara has a great impact. Perhaps the WTS is beginning to realize just how effective a woman can be-I am sure they are aware of her activities.
Too Opinionated
(translated with Yahoo! Babelfish)
Anderson Barbara in Romagna. Indictment against Witnesses of Geova
Its wireless and television words thrown again from the network of America have shaken million Americans. Its detections, directed and circostanziate, have rendered it - in all probability - the enemy number one of the accused Witnesses of covered Geova of having in order much time cases of sexual abuses on minors.
PROVINCE | 03 July 2009 | Now - after beyond 40 years of permanence between their row, much to be person in charge to write the official history of the religious movement - Barbara Anderson turns the world in order to invite young people and families to keep itself far away from the Witnesses of Geova and their “dangers”.
This fine week - after to be taken part, today, to the University of Geneva for the conference anniversary of the international Association for the study of the seven - it will make stage in Romagna for a series of organized appointments from the Gris. Tomorrow evening to Cervia in order to speak about the “Pedophilia hidden from the Witnesses of Geova”, Sunday evening to Rimini, in order to stop themselves on 'Because it is risky to join the Witnesses of Geova”. We have caught up by telephone to its arrival in Italy.
“They are approached to Me the Witnesses of Geova”, that it will abandon in 1997, “much young person - it explains -. I had 14 years in 1954 and was a time of great uncertainties. It was the time of the atomic bomb, was watched with worry to the future. I was a catholic girl and had many questions on the life and the Bible. The catholic Church - it adds - spoke about God like of a mystery, did not give answers to the questions of a child. The Witnesses of Geova seemed that they gave answers, took to them directly from the pages of the Bible. My mother, a catholic of Polish origins, did not make much attention the thing - she emphasizes - did not have theological bases, did not know the foundations well: they said that she has be a matter herself of ignorance”.
From the income in the witnesses of Geova, in 1954, she begins a scaling kind that door Anderson until to the prestigious Watch Tower Library di Brooklyn and to the task writing up an official history of the religious movement using documents contained in the newyorchese library.
A task that it will open wide to them, those which define the “secrets” of the Witnesses of Geova. “Working in that within, inside of the Watch Tower - it continues - I have had way to discover many things, also negative things, between which cases of pedophilia. Cases - it emphasizes - covered from the same organization. Also because - it specifies - between the Witnesses of Geova vige a norm, that they say Biblical, second which a person cannot itself be accused if not there are at least two witnesses. Of fact many secrets are remained to acquaintance of the old ones that have not left to trapelare the accadimenti outside: the cloth, insomma, has been washed in house”.
For this, the Anderson has progressively taken the distances from the movement till to render television and wireless testimonies on the network to stars and strisce. Particularly incisive a its presence to the transmission “Dateline”, program of tip of the Nbc, from sempreuna of the nets more continuations of the entire Country.
“The pedophilia - it observes - is not a sin, is a crime. The old ones had to go to tell all to the authorities instead holding inside all of the organization. It has been a case of a man who has completed abuses for twenty years and he has been moved of congregation in congregation. Now it is a fuggitivo and between the main ones searched from the Fbi”.
Various cases, argue, are ended in a “classroom of Court”, where it has been removed the veil to behaviors but many “have seen to catch up of the transactions” of stragiudiziale character. Some also consisting from the economic point of view.
Anderson Barbara and the Joe husband is for a long time “dissident”, spillages from the Witnesses of Geova. As a result of this choice, the son - defined from the same “radical” Anderson - has turned the shoulders to the parents to which he does not leave to see the nipotino. “Our grandson - she has chiosato with regard to - grows in an isolation kind”.
(Newsrimini.it) -
great advocates for a noble cause!
many many thanks to the andersons
If there is anybody who posts here that can translate Italian to English, would you translate the following article. I'm curious as to what the reporter wrote after his lengthy phone interview with me. Joe and I were in the car in Parma, Italy when the English-speaking reporter called. In the third paragraph of the article, which was Yahoo translated, there is a reference to "Gris." I'll be discussing "Gris" tomorrow evening on the conference call along with other very interesting information. Our trip to Europe was initially arranged because I was invited to speak at ICSA's (International Cultic Studies Association) Conference on July 3rd held at the University of Geneva in Switzerland, but the trip turned into a month of travel visiting other countries where lectures were arranged such as the ones discussed in the article below and others where we met extraordinary people who are very concerned about the harm JWs are doing to the citizens of Europe. I'll tell you more about what transpired during that month tomorrow during the conference call.
Barbara Anderson in Romagna. Atto d'accusa contro Testimoni di Geova
Le sue parole rilanciate dai network radiofonici e televisivi d'America hanno scosso milioni di statunitensi. Le sue rivelazioni, dirette e circostanziate, l'hanno resa – con ogni probabilità – il nemico numero uno dei Testimoni di Geova accusati di avere coperto per tanto tempo casi di abusi sessuali su minori.
PROVINCIA | 03 luglio 2009 | Ora - dopo oltre 40 anni di permanenza tra le loro fila, tanto da essere incaricata di scrivere la storia ufficiale del movimento religioso – Barbara Anderson gira il mondo per invitare giovani e famiglie a tenersi lontano dai Testimoni di Geova e dai loro “pericoli”.
Questo fine settimana – dopo essere intervenuta, oggi, all’Università di Ginevra per la conferenza annuale dell’Associazione internazionale per lo studio delle sette – farà tappa in Romagna per una serie di appuntamenti organizzati dal Gris. Domani sera a Cervia per parlare della “Pedofilia occultata dai Testimoni di Geova”, domenica sera a Rimini, per soffermarsi sul 'Perchè è rischioso aderire ai Testimoni di Geova”. L'abbiamo raggiunta telefonicamente al suo arrivo in Italia.
“Mi sono avvicinata ai Testimoni di Geova”, che abbandonerà nel 1997, “molto giovane – spiega -. Avevo 14 anni nel 1954 ed era un tempo di grandi incertezze. Era il tempo della bomba atomica, si guardava con preoccupazione al futuro. Io ero una ragazza cattolica e avevo molte domande sulla vita e sulla Bibbia. La Chiesa cattolica – aggiunge – parlava di Dio come di un mistero, non dava risposte alle domande di una ragazzina. I Testimoni di Geova sembrava che dessero risposte, le prendevano direttamente dalle pagine della Bibbia. Mia madre, una cattolica di origini polacche, non fece molta attenzione alla cosa - puntualizza - non avevamo basi teologiche, non conoscevamo bene i fondamenti: direi che si è trattato di ignoranza”.
Dall'ingresso nei testimoni di Geova, nel 1954, inizia una sorta di scalata che porta Barbara Anderson sino alla prestigiosa Watch Tower Library di Brooklyn e al compito di redigere una storia ufficiale del movimento religioso utilizzando i documenti contenuti nella biblioteca newyorchese.
Un compito che le spalancherà, quelli che definisce i "segreti" dei Testimoni di Geova. “Lavorando in quell'ambito, all'interno della Watch Tower – prosegue – ho avuto modo di scoprire tante cose, anche cose negative, tra cui casi di pedofilia. Casi – sottolinea – coperti dalla stessa organizzazione. Anche perchè - precisa - tra i Testimoni di Geova vige una norma, che dicono biblica, secondo cui non si può accusare una persona se non ci sono almeno due testimoni. Di fatto molti segreti sono rimasti a conoscenza degli anziani che non hanno lasciato trapelare gli accadimenti all'esterno: i panni, insomma, si sono lavati in casa”.
Per questo, la Anderson ha preso progressivamente le distanze dal movimento fino a rendere testimonianze sui network televisivi e radiofonici a stelle e strisce. Particolarmente incisiva una sua presenza alla trasmissione 'Dateline', programma di punta della Nbc, da sempreuna delle reti più seguite dell'intero Paese.
“La pedofilia – osserva – non è un peccato, è un crimine. Gli anziani dovevano andare a raccontare tutti alle autorità invece di tenere tutto all'interno dell'organizzazione. C'è stato un caso di un uomo che ha compiuto abusi per venti anni e si è spostato di congregazione in congregazione. Ora è un fuggitivo e tra i principali ricercati dall'Fbi”.
Diversi casi, argomenta, sono finiti in un “aula di Tribunale”, dove è stato tolto il velo a comportamenti ma molti “hanno visto raggiungere delle transazioni” di carattere stragiudiziale. Alcune pure consistenti dal punto di vista economico.
Barbara Anderson e il marito Joe sono da tempo 'dissidenti', fuoriusciti dai Testimoni di Geova. In seguito a questa scelta, il figlio - definito dalla stessa Anderson “radicale” - ha voltato le spalle ai genitori ai quali non lascia vedere il nipotino. "Nostro nipote - ha chiosato al riguardo - cresce in una sorta di isolamento".
(Newsrimini.it) -
WB Barbara,
good job.
the research lady
Saturday July 18 conference call with Barbara and Joe Anderson and Roberto is up and running on www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com Here is a direct link. http://www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com/conferencecall-7-18-09.html
wow. That was quick!