JW's in my Apartment Complex

by ashitaka 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • ashitaka

    Some JW's are preaching in my apartment complex right now...and it's so peaceful, quiet.......what I wouldn't give for an air horn right now.....{heh, heh}


  • individuals wife
    individuals wife

    ... got a fire extinguisher handy.....
    ... only joking... would I do that??!!

  • lauralisa

    I wish they would come to my door..... I'd quick run and put on my thigh-highs with the bows and babydoll nightie and answer the door that way and act really interested in what they were offering...

  • teejay


    Oh MY!!

    btw, in all my years of door-to-door, I never once had any kind of experience like that. Not one. Man, was i jipped!

  • California Sunshine
    California Sunshine

    Hi Ashi,

    Try telling them you and your family are Devil worshipers.

    Wow, ya never saw anyone run so fast the other way!!!

    Then you holler after them.."Gee, did I scare ya? I was going to invite you in for a cup of coffee, Oh well, maybe another time"

    It works! They avoid your house like the plague from then on.

    Have a nice day!

    Sunny (laughing her ass off)

  • lauralisa

    Hey teejay,

    Once I was out with one of my sons in tow (he was I think 10 at the time) and a woman came to the door in a t-shirt and panties. I swear. It freaked him out, and NOT in a good way.

    I spontaneously tossed the whole "we're on a mission from god" spiel and ended up inquiring whether she was alright.... she said she was, but I went back on a RV (without my son this time!) to make sure. My "antenna" said things were not ok. She did end up getting some intervention with domestic abuse.

    I can't remember if I placed any magazines with her.... lol

    ps: working on a friendship with unclebruce.....

    Warm regards to you all


  • COMF

    my thigh-highs with the bows and babydoll nightie

    We're going to need a jpg for that, please ma'am. :)


  • LB

    Well I'm thinking it's time to STREAK THEM. Strip down and givem a show.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • lauralisa



    if someone could help me manage to get anything other than typed words posted on this thing, you gotta deal. I promise. (Neck down shot tho). I'm 98% sure there's a digital camera in one of those pretty packages waiting to be opened on Dec. 25.


    When I was 16 some friends and I went to a strip mall (LOLOL cracking myself up here I MEAN THE KIND THAT IS like in one long "strip" of stores with a sidewalk.....)

    At one end there was a restaurant. We went into the bathrooms, took it all off, took deep breaths, ran thru the restaurant, out the door, zoomed along the jammed storefront sidewalk, BUCK NEKKID, and DOVE into the open doors of our accomplice's waiting car. I think we got a whole six-pack of beer for our efforts..... and an adrenaline rush that lasted for weeks.

    I'm a grown up now, and completely appropriate and mature in all aspects of my behavior at all times. I'm also a millionaire princess with a chia pet collection on loan to various museums.....

  • sweetone2377

    Butt nekkid is definately the way to go...that's how my dh greets them when they come to our door. Teach them to invade our privacy!

    Former victim and recovering wonderfully from a broken spirit
    Smile, because we all have been freed from slavery!!

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