A reasonable debater might use the fact that god can answer every prayer because prayer request not answered should be autmatically considered as a "no" answer to prayers.
Apperantly there are lots of no answers so does this mean there is like a steady high frequency buzz in god's brain of "no"s traveling at the speed of light which is of course eminating from both the faithful and those that don't know his sacrad name?
I kinda wonder too if god's yes answers come in waves I don't think it goes by any system we can devize,, in judging prayers,,, like that was a really really good prayer and that put more presure on god to say yes to your request. I don't claim to know god's methods but I don't think he can be persuaded to grant request by the shear number the repeat requests no mater how numerous they become,,but as far as a righteous mans suplication it is suposed to have chance of getting a yes answer but nos are not uncommon I'm sure,,, just jugding from the ways things are today.