The economy is in shambles. I am sure that your termination was more about the employer wanting to save money than anything to do with you personally.
Lost My Job Yesterday
by InOregon 18 Replies latest jw friends
so sorry oregon.......i am nearly in same boat.....i lost my last good customer after over 24 years and am floundering for the first time since high school.....wait a sec, i even had a good part time job then!......try and find something you like to do that can make some coin.....being self employeed doing what you like would be nice.........oomps
Maybe this is going to open doors for you for something better!
Thanks everyone. Sorry to hear that so many of you are in the same position.
I lost my last full time job in June 2003. After sending out hundreds of resume`s I finally found two different kinds of part time work. I did that until March of this year, and now both of those are gone too due to the economy. So now I'm looking again. My husband lost his full time job in 2004, because his company lost a major client. But he started with the new company that had that client and was officially unemployed for only one day. However, he took a big pay cut and hasn't had a raise in the five years he's worked for the new company. Now it looks like he'll be losing that job due to the economy. Sigh....
I lost my job in May of this year. Friggin' cutbacks and the danggone economy.
Where's Obama in all of this? >:(
I had no choice but to apply for SSD since potential employers are asking questions about my deafness and looking at my psoriasis funny. No health insurance and can't afford the meds.
If I get SSD, it'll be 3 years before I can qualify for medicare.
The whole thing sucks.
mac n cheese
I'm an excellent employee, and I got laid off 2 months ago. My husband will be laid off next month, they gave him advance notice because he's been there so long.
It's very difficult not to let this get to you, no matter how positive you are. Just take it one step at a time, realize that many are in the same situation, and take the comfort where you can get it.
Mac n Cheese
For the first job you lost, you didn't give a reason, but a lot of companies are squeezing out longer standing employees due to them making more money. Also, if you or your dependents cost them money on company sponsored health plans, they will find a way to either make you quit or will let you go. I've seen this happen to very good, loyal employees. The second one sounds a problem of the economy. My friend Deb told me on Thursday that her son in law, an orthodontist has been reduced to one day a week. She said she knows all kinds of well credentialed people who are being laid off.
When you get laid off, even when it isalong with other people, it's hard. This happened at the store I worked for three years ago. It closed suddenly and a lot of us felt the company was more concerned about big profits than us. You are a wonderful worker from the sounds of it. I hope you will be able to find another job that lasts as long as you want or need it to.
I received good news today. My company is bringing me back for a different position and it even pays .22 cents an hour more. I start on Monday, so I am considering this time off as a vacation.