How many of you knew about the"Jesus is not your Mediator" teaching when you were JWs??

by Lady Liberty 183 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EmptyInside

    I was born in and still active. Most of us always thought that Jesus was our mediator until I remember studying at a Watchtower or bookstudy that the New Covenant was only between Jesus and the annointed. And I accepted it, because it was explained that the other sheep benefit from the arrangement by association with the annointed.

  • cantleave

    It was the realisation this fact that made me question my beliefs. It didn't dawn on me until this April!

  • My Struggle
    My Struggle

    I had no idea about this teaching until right before I was leaving.

  • Awen

    I had read that article and others like it and understood what it said, but I also accepted the WT's explanation of how the Other Sheep would benefit from being associated with the 144k. In Revelation where it shows Jesus on Zion with the 144k and the Great Crowd before the throne, showed how this was possible.

    Still it bugged me. But later, I felt it didn't matter whether He is my mediator or not. I still prayed to Jesus (not YHWH), because that is what YHWH said we should do and ask for things in Jesus' name.

  • independent_tre

    When I first began researching on my own, I bought a modern English translation of the Bible from Borders and read the gospels for myself. I really understood Jesus' purpose and importance far better than I had when studying through the murky WT lens. Around the same time, I came here and started reading some old threads, and actually thought it was a joke when I first came across this teaching. Looked it up in the insight book and was floored. What they teach is a blantant lie and an insult to anyone who believes in Christianity. I remember the night I read all that, it brought me to tears to realize that I had devoted my life to an organization that would teach such lies. Finding this out pretty much solidified my leaving the WTS.

  • garyneal

    I had an interesting discussion with my wife tonight about idolatry because she said that she is torn about celebrating the holidays. Somehow celebrating them means that she would have the love of the world in her and not the love of God and Christmas is related to idolatry. I asked these simple questions and I had to work hard to keep her on these questions as she kept trying to change the subject.

    If my church told me that if I disagree with one of their teachings that I am disagreeing with God, is this not some form of idolatry?
    If I look in the Bible and see something in it that contradicts with my church's teachings but I am told that only they can interpret the Bible. Therefore, I can only look to my church for the truth. Is this not some form of idolatry?

    And the killer follow up...

    You claim that the Jesus is not your direct mediator, even though the scriptures does not seem to indicate this. Therefore, the Watchtower has placed men (the annointed class) between yourself and God. Is this not some form of idolatry?

    Her response, "There is no man between me and God!" Of course, she called my way of thinking "Gary-isms" and has told me that I just don't want to believe in the Bible.

    What's interesting is how the Jehovah's Witnesses rail against the Catholic church over their traditions and over their practices of seeking forgiveness through a priest but feel perfectly okay with the idea that 144,000 men and women can mediate for them.

  • InquiryMan

    I did now, but was not comfortable with the teaching... Now I am happy partaking the bread and wine of the last supper when attending church.

  • zengalileo

    I knew it.

  • JWoods

    This was a matter of intense contraversy during the post 1975 days via Ray Franz/Ed Dunlap. Marion and Ed Dunlap (and others) had been seeking to clarify this for at least a couple of years in connection with Ed's theory that the memorial should be open to all witnesses.

    Both Marion and Ed told me later that the 1979 "question from readers" was deliberately done as a general rebuke to the horrible heresy that all christians should keep the last supper.

  • marvfaybenz

    My husband knew about it and questioned this about 20 years ago by sending a letter to the WT Brooklyn Branch office. When the elders found out that he had the "nerve" and the "gall" to even question anything, he was put on public reproof and his "privileges" were taken away from him (he could not read at the book study or Watchtower study, and could not give prayers at the meetings). One of the (many) things which made him open his eyes and helped us to leave the organization.

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