No. If I drink too much coffee, I can be a magpie, but it depends on whom I'm with and if I like their company. I usually get the, "Are you okay? You're so quiet." comments.
Ladies, do you talk too much?
by asilentone 31 Replies latest social relationships
White Dove
Did Sweetface get a new avatar? Can we change them now?
Lady Lee
I tend to be a listener more than a talker. As a kid I sat for hours sometimes list4ening to the adults around me trying to figure them out.
My listening skills probably helped me understand people and be a good therapist. And most likely helped a lot when I was translating into sign language as a JW.
BUT I can also give a 3-hour lecturer without notes and have the class not want to leave at the end of the lecture. Those who didn't have another class often stayed to ask questions. So I can be a talker as some of you may have seen if you saw the snippet of the You Tube video of me talking about cults. The entire interview is about 85 minutes long and was done in 2 shots - one about an hour and the second part abour a half hour. The editor took very little out of the entire video.
But in my experience men talk more when they are together most of it filled with hot air. They were also some of the worst lecturers in college and university
The last four dates I went on, the guys outtalked me - I could hardly get a word in edgewise. So, no I don't talk too much. And please don't generalize.
John Doe
But in my experience men talk more when they are together most of it filled with hot air.
That's just Canadians in general.
Barbie Doll
Agreed. Some of the most long-winded people I've ever met were men.
When the men get together and talk about there cars, they don't stop.
White Dove
You got that right, Barbie Doll. It's talk talk talk about their work and planes, trains, and automobiles. It's kinda cute to see them talking all excited and engaged like that, because when they are with women, they are deaf mutes.
Last week, the guy I was on a date with talked non stop--and about some very personal things. Too much information. So much information I decided I didn't want to see him anymore. It's been a week now but my ears are still smoking.
BTW, some of the biggest gossips I know are old men.
White Dove
Did he say how at age 11 he lost his virginity to his baby sitter? Two of my dates said that's how they lost their virginity. One even went into explicit detail *shudder*
Did he say how at age 11 he lost his virginity to his baby sitter? Two of my dates said that's how they lost their virginity. One even went into explicit detail *shudder*
~shudder~ Where in the world do these men come from?
I think he said he lost it at 17 to his gf whom he eventually found murdered with the rest of her family at their home. He was supposed to stay the night that night but didn't and went over the next day and found them. Some sort of drug revenge killing.