A strange personal experience

by millions now living are dead 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    Dreams are wish fulfillment and your brain's way of resolving conflicts left unresolved by the conscious mind.

    In your story, you place an awful lot of importance upon secret feelings you had as a 14-year-old, 20 years ago. What do you make of that?

    Is it possible this is more of a symbol to you--say, of the life you missed out on having as a dub--rather than the literal 'relationship'?

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  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    Fascinating story. Very intense.

  • millions now living are dead
    millions now living are dead

    Doofdaddy - Thanks for noticing my avatar is K. He was a cool dude, aye?

    Rebel8 - I think you are right, she was a symbol to me of a different life than the crappy one I had, with love and infatuation and all that good stuff mixed in. I was shocked that my heart held onto this for so long. I'm convinced that as humans, we are completely ignorant of our complete self and operate on a very surface level. I think that unfinished business must always be finished. I am also quite suprised that there can be some form of communication between each other in the dream world.

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  • OnTheWayOut

    Not the cosmic experience of yours, but....

    I had a recent surgery and am recovering. I had plenty of vicodin the first two weeks and was content to watch movies or just do nothing. I still cannot do much. But as I came out of the painkiller stage and just do it on my own, I have addressed the demons of my past. I thought about stuff that bugged me for the two weeks after the surgery, then started writing it all in a book form when the painkillers were gone. Next thing I know, I had two solid chapters finished.

    It's sort of a Kyria Abrahams type of story, but mine instead of hers. I spoke with my dead relatives, not actually communicating to them but releasing some thoughts. I called a cousin, called an aunt and uncle- people who were in my life. All I can do each day for exercise is walk. I have walked as much as I can stand, but the mind has been busy.

    I think you are purging some stuff from your past, some "what if" thoughts. I hope to get more out of the way onto paper before life gets too busy again.

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  • besty

    i love the way you write - very engaging.

    my advice would be to lay of the shrooms - just kidding :smile: great story

  • fluke

    Millions, sounds like you would be good at meditating too... You might learn more about yourself...

    This is awesome stuff, it's what some people call 'Co-creation'... You create your circumstsance with others, either subconsciously or consciously...

    Wow, sounds though you know this already... I have recently found out thereis a difference between spirituality and religion...

    Love and light


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