Are Jehovah's Witnesses artificial people?
by asilentone 26 Replies latest jw friends
That is a self-answering question.
Farkel, I know that, but I still think it is still a good question.
This is similar to the "What makes a good JW?" thread. Does an artificial person become a witness or does a witness become an artificial person? I would argue the latter. Regular people become witnesses due to good intentions, normal desires and ignorance of cult indoctrination techniques. The cult then deprograms their personality into a drone. When you come out of it you wonder how on earth you did all the things they got you to do. You were a different person.
Per wt view, everything is artificial; all organisms including humans, the solar system and the universe itself. Also, jesus and the angels. This is so, because they say that all was constructed by the master fabricator, jay hoover. Evolution and hindu philosophy sees all as organic, naturally occuring and growing. In fact, allan watts, the britisher who jumped int o eastern philosophy, said about the appearance of humans that the earth was 'peopling'. So, we are natural.
What else, BUT artificial could jws be, considering that they think everything is artificial? They are taught to not trust their natural selves, that they are wicked, naturally.
I think being a JW is a suit you put on when you are in the presence of other JWs. And when you go door to door. And like an itchy wool suit in July, it comes off whenever they can take it off so they can be NORMAL and COMFORTABLE and LIVE.
But as long as they are stuck in the JWs...they have to keep the suit.
WuzLoveDubs said it all...
I knew a few that were not "artificial". Honest down to earth types but they were perceived as worldly by congregation members. Needless to say they got disfellowshipped eventually.
They are biologically real, but their personalities are artificial, and mostly toxic.
Mickey mouse
They are pod people.