dove chocolate message
by oompa 12 Replies latest jw friends
I love dove chocolate!
weird said
"a real friends runs to you when all your others run away"......
sure happend to me.............but i really had no other now...mostly from here...........oompa
dark chocolate rules..........esp trader joes.........
I love dove chocolate!
oompa have a pm.....oompa
oomps - you have a pm
plz send me choc sample. i live right on pony express route so just give my sample to next rider to pass by. tell him that it is arsenic to keep him from eating it.
james t
oompa are almost a newbie but two years old?? me and i will send you traderjoes dark deservice it.....i wished i had neverkssd no butt..........oompa
"a real friends runs to you when all your others run away"......
Well I guess that rules out all those JWs who claimed to be my real friends. Even my so-called best friend. Funny considering how much the WTS spouts that 'true friendship' is only found among JWs.
Anyway - yes dark chocolate is wonderful. Especially one with intense orange.
kitten whiskers
Isn't it crazy! I never thought I would see friends run away, although I am pleased to see some not shunning us on the computer socialing networks! May not see them in person, but they've seen holiday pics I have posted and haven't run yet, even though others can see their comments and friends lists!
I didn't have any other friends either Oompa. Thankfully I had family who aren't JW and were my Godsend in my lonliness!
Truth in a chocolate drop...they're going to overtake the fortune cookie!