nobody came to the door. Maybe Holy Spirit was protecting them from me...
got out in service today
by stillin 14 Replies latest jw friends
Scarred for life
I'm glad your here stillin. This is the right place for you.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Were you doing the "fake knock"?
How was break?
from the way I see it he only made one door, so the break was great, as usual.
the "offer" is a direct presentation of a Bible study in the "What Does the Bible REALLY Teach book. How in the world could I follow through if somebody was begging for it??! I had one of the better brothers with me though, an elder who has been a real friend for many years , who isn't horribly deformed in his judgementalness.
They feel like I would "snap out" of my "slump" if I just did more of everything to "build myself up." I don't think that any of them has really empathised regarding my situation.
Besides, most people in the world really do have empty lives, and a little hope is good.
The last time I was in field circus, I placed nothing in two hours. I can count the number of items I placed in 2005 (the last year to date I have even gone out) on the fingers of my left hand--either I went on others' calls, did dummy service, or dogged my own calls.
Under the force of a whole group of just plain men witlesses, however, I do not know how I would fare--some of them would knock so hard that the householders think there is a huge earthquake going on.
After I decided that the JWs were a crock, I used to have nightmares that I would be visiting home or visiting friends out of state and I'd end up in service with them- they did not know I didn't want to go and I was terrified to have to go to an actual door where I would have to speak against what I knew to be true!!
Scarred for life
I can totally understand your nightmares. I avoided visiting my JW extended family for years because of similar fears.
White Dove
Hey, I've got those fears, too. I'm afraid of what I'll say when in the company of my family. A visit is long overdue, but I wasn't 100% out during the last visit. I don't talk the JW talk, catchphrases and all. I'm afraid that I'd give myself away.