Raising children in the JW Cult is child abuse because the JW Cult is the most dangerous organization on earth. The JW Cult is totally Satanic. Anybody who is a JW is insane and psychotic and incapable of logical and analytical thinking.
Raising Children In The JW Cult Is Child Abuse
by George Yurich 46 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Welcome to the Board, George.
Hello there George. Welcome!
John Doe
Troll, troll, troll your boat. . .
horrible life
Damn-it George!!! That is exactly what I have been trying to say, but you said it in fewer words than I did. We need to tell Nancy Grace this, so she can pass the word on to millions of people, and maybe a judge or two.
Welcome. Great first post. Do you have a story to share about this?
White Dove
Welcome, George! Yes, I agree with you. And what about all the beatings kids get for moving around in their seats and daring to tell mommy that they want to celebrate the holidays even if JH doesn't want them to?
White Dove
Satan is just a metaphore for the negative in all of us. I don't believe in the Bible's version of Satan. And who was it that put penises on everyone in heaven?
GEORGE- Welcome to the board ! Short, succinct, and to the point ! I like it. And totally agree with every word you wrote. Look forward to more thoughts from you
White Dove
Is this guy a troll? He seems too honest and bold for a first post.
Mickey mouse
Welcome. I cannot agree that the WBTS is "the most dangerous organization in the world". Straight off I would say Scientology is way worse. Having said that, I have wondered the same: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/experiences/169918/1/Is-it-possible-for-a-child-to-be-exposed-to-JWism-and-not-be-damaged-by-it