I remember finding an apostate tract at a gas station restroom and throwing it away thinking that i was being a good jdub. i should had read the little thing maybe would had saved a lot of heart ache.
Those BOLD Apostates!!!
by purplesofa 32 Replies latest jw friends
I attended for 2 days. Brought all kinds of material with me - web sites, blood info, etc. Put stuff in Bathrooms, kingdom melody books, bibles, cars, etc!! There were NO attendants in the bathrooms until the end of Saturday. By then, they had 2 in each one, and they were periodically combing every inch of the stalls, etc. I guess they realized they should be "keeping on the watch" in there.
Thank the JW woman who came to my house, who smilingly and unhesitatingly told me she would let her sons die if they needed blood. (i knew her sons well, which she did not know) She REALLY got me riled up!
two whole days :O you have my deepest sympathies and admiration all in one.
This is a funny one. my mom keeps on trying to get me to go to the DA this year which is on friday of this week at (Turnersville N.J ) Spanish congo.. and i keep telling her no. she calls me at work rings my phone off the hook. telling me it important that i come to the DA because this years messeage is the final warning. !!!!!! so i was with my inlaws and husband out in front of my house chillin. so i had on my children gold crucifx chain on them. so i quickly took on off my children and put it on and tucked the cross in my shirt to make her wonder right. so she was steadly looking at my neckline. and working her way up to siting next to me (by the way she came to visit the kids) so she tried to be slick and say o wow what a nice neckle and pulled my chain out. to her sirprise she like what is that. i was well my mother inlaw gave it to me as a gift so leave me alone. my in-laws were listening i made sure i spoke loudly (they are hard core catholic) but love me to death. so dont you know my JW mother got up and acted like she was leaving and told me in low voice you APOSTATE!! I said in a loudler voice why are you callin me an apostate when you are hear surronded by Catholic's. why dont you look up the true meaning of that word in a dictionary.... but i really put the gold Cruxific to get her to stop calling my house and buggin me about coming back. I have ben Def's for 16 years now. dont you get the hint already im not returning. I did the mistake of going back for a year. ( i guess i hit my head badly that year) but anyways. i though i would put my 2cents in the tread.
The apostates look and talk just like them!!..LOL!!.....
Since there is no way to tell them apart from Pro-JW`s..JW`s will have no choice but to turn on themselves,to find possible apostates..
The Witch Hunts are about to begin within the Pro-JW ranks..
It`s happened before..
"I think this is one of them that left literature in the can. Pretty tasty!"
So now, not only are JWs advised to avoid association with worldlies...now they must be suspicious of their own "brothers".
A house divided.....cannot stand.
The hive gets riled up. Bzzzzz, bzzzzzzz.
This is hilarious! Hey, Bold Apostate = BA ... cool!
because this years messeage is the final warning. !!!!!!
Is that the final warning for this year? Or this month? Or maybe this week?
Good work you wonderful BAs! Keep at it.
because this years messeage is the final warning. !!!!!!
I hope so. It means that they'll shutup, for a change.