How do you have a personal relationship with G

by Sour Grapes 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    you make a good point but then isn't a true believer in God someone that has that belief written in love on their hearts so the threat of death is meaningless?

    My father's 'GOD' promised my death for my disobedience many years ago. I was 'disobedient'. I left his cult and had children that were going to be killed too.

    None of us have been killed by my father's God.......

    .......Your God.

    What is the point in being a true believer in a God that can't drag his sorry arse out of bed for long enough to fulfill 'his' promises.

    Jehovah is the God of nothing, the God of the empty promises of the Watchtower.

    If you go to the pie cart and give the man two bucks you get a pie. Go to Jehovah and spend your life in his service and he forgets to kill all of us heathens that accuse you of being a wanker.

    Bummer innit?

    We do love you Rennet, but you do make it hard sometimes.



  • frankiespeakin

    I would think that to have a personal relationship with god,, he has to become your imaginary friend first. I find it hard to have an imaginary friend who only talks to you from the bible that to me is a very very distant relationship that can hardly be considered personal by any stretch of the imagination,,.

  • PSacramento

    I speak to God and Jesus on a reguarly basis, sometimes throguh Prayer, but mostly through a personal conversation about how things are going and if I need their help for soemthing or to thank them for something, sometimes to bitch about other things, in short, I view God and Jesus as a very loving part of my family, just like Jesus wanted me to.

    Sometimes they speak to me through the bible, sometimes through authors of books i am reading, sometimes through my children, but usually, as I speak with them, they speak to me through my conscience.

    I try my best to have a very personal relationship with God and Jesus and the HS, sometimes it is very easy, other times, very hard, but I always try and I always feel better for trying.

  • frankiespeakin


    in short, I view God and Jesus as a very loving part of my family, just like Jesus wanted me to.

    Just curious about the "Just like jesus wanted me to" part, how do you imagine or come to the conclusion of what Jesus want? That intrigues me.

  • PSacramento


    Well, when Jesus taught people to pray he said "Our Father", he called us his Brothers, he said we are all God's Children.

    Sounds like he viewed US as his and his Father's family and since Jesus focused so much on Love then a loving family is what he wanted, no?

  • frankiespeakin


    So reasoning based on biblical writings is the foundation stone of your personal relationship? Are you open to any other sources?Any personal revelations?The unanswered prayers you mentioned (somewhere I don't recall), can be a road block,,being that we are creatures who look for results for ones efforts, and lack of favorable results usually results in lack of enthusiasm for further effort.

    How do you feel about positive thinking without any god to please or be afraid of displeasing?(I leave positive thinking unqualified as to what it actually is and for us to decide). Can a person just be a good person without belief in the biblical deity and just have a good relationship with everything and the biblical Jesus just be happy for them with out wanting their servitude?

  • PSacramento


    The bible shows us thet God and Jesus want a personal relationship with us, I am open to other sources such as bible commentaris, books written by the likes of Philip Yancy for example, and even books that critique and cal into question the very existence of God and Jesus.

    Unanswered prayers? I don't know if I ever had one go unanswered....I mean I don't always LIKE the answer, but there seems to have always been one, at least I can't remember one that wasn't...not right now anyways.

    Positive thinking is great, certainly beeter than negative thiking ;)

    I don't think that everyone NEEDS God in all stages of their life, sometimes, and love just works this way, NOT having something ( Like God) can be better than having it there as a crutch, though God certainly wants us to use him as one. For some it is better to believe that they got there by themselves ( wherever there happens to be).

  • frankiespeakin


    Interesting thoughts.

  • frankiespeakin


    Unanswered prayers? I don't know if I ever had one go unanswered....I mean I don't always LIKE the answer, but there seems to have always been one, at least I can't remember one that wasn't...not right now anyways.

    So I take it that you view all your prayers, as answered prayers, even prayers that are requests for something not granted as simply a "no" answer to your prayer?

  • PSacramento


    There are times I have asked God to win the lottery and the answer was a resounding NO !

    LOL !, but he has always provided my daily bread, so I can't complain that much, ;)

    There are times when I ask God WHY? when something horrid happens and I pray for understanding, he has always given it to me, even if it is something I don't agree with or that is hard to hear.

    I try not to blame God for the things we do to ourselves, though I admit that isn't easy, I mean, its easy to blame an omnipotent escapegoat than to blame ourselves for the crap we do to each other.

    I try not to judge God and Jesus for what they do or the lackthereof, just as I hope that my kids don't judge me to harshly (which I am sure they do) when I do things that are for their own good that they don't agree with.

    Difference is, I tell m kids everyday, many times, how much I love them, how they are my world to me and that they are my heartbeat and, unfortunatley, we don't get a chance to hear that from God and Jesus unless we talke to them.

    My kids hear it wether they like it or not !

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