What did JW believe when JC picked them up in 1919?

by Albert Einstein 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    We had a discussion today with my JW wife:

    wife: FD slave is the the only channel to God and you must accept it and obbey them!

    Albert: Why do you say they are?

    wife: ???? well ... they preach the truth...

    Albert: OK, I will help you - you should say "It is because they were chosen by JC in 1919"

    wife: Yes, you are right, thats the reason!

    Albert: OK, so what they were teaching when they were supposedly chosen? Lets discuss that....

    wife: well, we will discuss it later, now our son is listening...


    I will start:

    God uses pyramids to comunicate with us

    Its OK to go to war

    No political neutralïty necessary

    Its OK to worship Jesus

    Its OK to celebrate birthdays

    Its OK to celebrate christmass

    No regular preaching by all memebrs

    Everybody goes to heaven

    End will come in 1925

    Your points?


  • bluecanary

    I will copy and past my info on this question.

    When Jesus inspected the Watchtower Society in 1919, what did he find?

    "On inspecting the remnant of his anointed disciples in the year 1919 C.E., the reigning King Jesus Christ did find the appointed “slave” faithful and discreet in the feeding of his “domestics.” Accordingly, he appointed this “slave” class over all his belongings.”" God’s Kingdom of a Thousand Years Has Approached pp.350,355

    What did Jesus find during his inspection?

    • They predicted that Armageddon would occur in 1914 and 1918, respectively.—[ Zion's Watch Tower 1894 July 15 p.226 W 10/1/17 p.292,293]

    • President C.T. Russell was teaching pyramidology and astrology .—[ Watchtower 1922 June 15 p.187; Zion's Watchtower 1905 October 1 p.293 ]

    • They celebrated Christmas, New Years and birthdays. —[ Zion's Watch Tower 1904 December 1 p.364; Watchtower 1940 Jan 1 p.16]

    • They prayed for victory in war and honored the flag .—[ Watchtower 1918 June 1 p.174; Watch Tower 1917 May 15]

    • They taught that the white race was superior and blacks could change their skin color in the new system.—[ Watchtower July 15 1902 p.215; Watchtower 1904 February 15 pp.52-53]

    • They worshipped Jesus .—[1945 yearbook]

    • They accepted blood transfusions .—[ Consolation 1940 December 25 p. 19]

    • They served in the military.— [ Zion's Watch Tower 1898 Aug. 1 p.231 (see also jv p.191)]

    If the teachings were correct in 1919, when Jesus chose the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, Jesus would have to abandon them now because their belief system is totally reversed.

    If the teachings are correct now, they were therefore wrong then, so on what basis would the Watchtower Society have been chosen?

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    Bluecanary, thanks for adding points!

    Anybody has any more?


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I copied and pasted this to a Word document to print out and have on hand when it's needed. Thank you!

  • leavingwt


    Don Cameron's book is great. Highly recommended for anyone with questions on this topic.

  • OnTheWayOut

    They still said Jesus' invisible presence started in 1874.

  • allelsefails

    Here is the letter I sent the branch on this subject. (Still waiting for a reply - Some points already covered sorry it is so long) :

    What do Jehovah’s Witnesses believe about their organization being chosen by God?

    13 In accepting Jehovah’s authority, we need to guard against an independent spirit. A haughty attitude can cause us to feel that we do not need guidance from anyone. For example, we might resist counsel given by those taking the lead among God’s people. God has established an arrangement by which a faithful and discreet slave class provides spiritual food at the proper time. (Matt. 24:45-47) We should humbly recognize that this is the way Jehovah is caring for his people today. Be like the faithful apostles. When some disciples were stumbled, Jesus asked the apostles: “You do not want to go also, do you?” Peter replied: “Lord, whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life.”—John 6:66-68. Watchtower 2008 June 15 p.21

    15 Think also of the fact that Jehovah has made it possible for honesthearted ones to move out of the wicked world, figuratively speaking, into the spiritual paradise that he has created. (2 Cor. 12:1-4) With hearts full of gratitude, we stay close to “the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time.” Christ has appointed this slave “over all his belongings.” (Matt. 24:45-47) Therefore, even if we as individuals do not fully understand a certain position taken by the slave class, that is no reason for us to reject it or return to Satan’s world. Instead, loyalty will move us to act humbly and wait on Jehovah to clarify matters. Watchtower 2008 Aug 15 p.6

    "Anointed Christians who survived the testing period of 1914-19 were freed from the dominating influence of the world and from many Babylonish religious practices. The remnant went forward as a cleansed and refined people, willingly offering sacrifices of praise to God and having the assurance that they as a people were acceptable to him.” "In 1919 the cleansed slave class could look forward to ever-expanding activities.” Watchtower 1993 May 1 p.16

    “The serving of food, the right sort of food, at the proper time was the issue. It had to be according to this that a decision must be rendered by the returned master...
    "On inspecting the remnant of his anointed disciples in the year 1919 C.E., the reigning King Jesus Christ did find the appointed “slave” faithful and discreet in the feeding of his “domestics.” Accordingly, he appointed this “slave” class over all his belongings.”" God’s Kingdom of a Thousand Years Has Approached pp.350,355

    Given the claim that their “slave class” was chosen in 1919 and were giving the food from Jesus to his household, what were Jehovah’s Witnesses (Bible Students) teaching in 1919?

    1 The "Last Days" started in 1799 and the 1800’s were the worst time period of all history

    ""The time of the end" embraces a period from 1799 A.D., as above indicated to the time of the complete overthrow of Satan's empire and the establishment of the kingdom of the Messiah." The Harp of God (1921) p.236

    "Napoleon began this Egyptian campaign in 1798, finished it, and then returned to France on October 1, 1799. The campaign is briefly, yet graphically described in the prophecy, verses 40-44; and its being completed in 1799 marks, according to the prophet's own words, the beginning of "the time of the end….Twelve hundred and sixty years from 539 A.D. brings us to 1799, which is another proof that 1799 definitely marks the beginning of "the time of the end." This also shows that it is from the date 539 A.D. that the other prophetic days of Daniel must be counted." …."The running to and fro of people … is without question a fulfilment of the prophecy testifying to the "time of the end". These physical facts can not be disputed and are sufficient to convince any reasonable mind that we have been in "the time of the end" since 1799." Creation (1927) 2,175,000 ed. p.293

    "The indisputable facts, therefore, show that the "time of the end" began in 1799; that the Lord's second presence began in 1874." Watchtower 1922 March 1

    2 That Jesus had begun ruling in 1874

    “The Scriptural proof is that the period of his presence and the day of God's preparation is a period from 1874 A.D. forward. The second coming of the Lord, therefore, began in 1874; and that date and the years 1914 and 1918 are specially marked dates with reference to his coming….“Prophecy can not be understood until it has been fulfilled or is in the course of fulfillment. From 1874 to 1914 the prophecy concerning the Lord's coming was being fulfilled and could be understood, and was understood, by those who were faithful to the Lord and who were watching the development of events, but not by others.” Creation 1927 p.289

    “Mention is made of some of these things that have come to light since 1874, as a further evidence of the Lord's presence since that date, as follows: Adding machines, aeroplanes, aluminum, antiseptic surgery, artificial dyes, automatic couplers, automobiles, barbed wire, bicycles, carborundum, cash registers, celluloid, cream separators, disc plows, electric railways, electric welding, elevators, escalators, fireless cookers, gas engines, harvesting machines, illuminating gas, induction motors, linotypes, monotypes, motion pictures, pasteurization, radium, railway signals, Roentgen rays, skyscrapers, smokeless powder, submarines, subways, talking machines, telephones, television, typewriters, vacuum cleaners, wireless telegraphy and wireless telephony.” Creation 1927 p.297

    “Applying the same rule then, of a day for a year, 1335 days after 539 A.D. brings us to 1874 A.D. at which time, according to Biblical chronology, the Lord's second presence was due.” Creation 1927 p.298

    “The scriptural proof is that the second presence of the Lord Jesus Christ began in 1874 A.D.” Prophecy 1929 p.65

    3 That the end was going to come in 1925

    "Seventy jubilees of fifty years each would be a total of 3500 years. That period of time beginning 1575 before A.D. 1 of necessity would end in the fall of the year 1925, at which time the type ends and the great antitype must begin. What, then, should we expect to take place? … The chief thing to be restored is the human race to life; and since other Scriptures definitely fix the fact that there will be a resurrection of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and other faithful ones of old, and that these will have the first favour, we may expect 1925 to witness the return of these faithful men of Israel from the condition of death, being resurrected and fully restored to perfect humanity and made the visible, legal representatives of the new order of things on earth." Millions Now Living Will Never Die p.88 1920

    "As we have heretofore stated, the great jubilee cycle is due to begin in 1925. At that time the earthly phase of the kingdom shall be recognized." Millions Now Living Will Never Die p.89

    "Hence these faithful men may be expected on earth within the next few years." The Harp of God p.340

    Quotes from “The Way to Paradise” 1924:

    "The year 1926 would therefore begin about October first, 1925…. We should, therefore, expect shortly after 1925 to see the awakening of Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Melchisedec, Job, Moses, Samuel, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, John the Baptist, and others mentioned in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews." The Way to Paradise p.224 19241924

    "The Bible and "The Bible in Stone" [the Pyramid of Giza] give the date 1914: for the beginning of the great change. History proves that the ouster proceedings began promptly on time. Prophecy indicates that 1925-1926 will see the greater part of the ousting completed. All the world's statesmen are dreading the next few years." p.171

    "For those who are now living and who will never die…" p.211

    "When you take up a more advanced study of the Bible, you will find that the year 1925 A. D. is particularly marked in prophecy." p.220

    "Seventy times 50 are 3,500. The whole period would therefore have been 3,500 years from the time the Jews entered Canaan until all the types would have been fulfilled. As they entered Canaan 1,575 years before Christ there would be 1,925 years of types after Christ, or 1925 A. D." p.223

    "Of course it will take some time to get things in smoothly running order after the great stress between now and 1926. It may be ten years or more before you get your home all fixed up, and the gardens bringing forth the luscious fruits and appetizing vegetables in abundance. Even if it takes a while longer you will be that much better prepared. You will have secured the services of the best decorators you can find. Some of them used to be undertakers; but since there are no more people dying, they have had to seek some new occupation. Their experience as undertakers prepared them to become decorators with very little difficulty." p.228

    "The date 1925 is even more distinctly indicated by the Scriptures because it is fixed by the law God gave to Israel. Viewing the present situation in Europe, one wonders how it will be possible to hold back the explosion much longer; and that even before 1925 the great crisis will be reached and probably passed." Watch Tower 1922 Sep. 1 p.262

    "... this chronology is not of man, but of God.... the addition of more proofs removes it entirely from the realm of chance into that of proven certainty.... the chronology of present truth [is]... not of human origin." Watch Tower 1922 July 1 p.217

    "Our thought is, that 1925 is definitely settled by the Scriptures. As to Noah, the Christian now has much more upon which to base his faith then Noah had upon which to base his faith in a coming deluge." Watch Tower 1923 Apr. 1 p.106

    The remainder of mankind could not keep it. They hear, however, in due time after the establishment of the kingdom. Then it shall come to pass that every one who will keep the saying of the Lord shall never see death. … Based upon the argument heretofore set forth, then, that the old order of things, the old world, is ending and is therefore passing away, and that the new order is coming in, and that 1925 shall mark the resurrection of the faithful worthies of old and the beginning of reconstruction, it is reasonable to conclude that millions of people now on the earth will be still on the earth in 1925. Then, based upon the promises set forth in the divine Word, we must reach the positive and indisputable conclusion that millions now living will never die." Millions Now Living Will Never Die pp.89-98

    4 That Jesus should be prayed to and worshipped as well as Jehovah

    "It seems clear that His Divinity was retained in humanity because He repeatedly spoke of Himself as having come down from heaven, and because He, though passing through trial and sorrow as a man, was yet possessed of the authority and exercised the prerogatives of a God. He was the object of unreproved worship even when a babe, by the wise men who came to see the new-born King. Matt. 2:2-11. Even the angels delighted to do Him honor. "When He bringeth the first-begotten into the world, He saith, "And let all the angels of God worship Him." Heb. 1:6. He never reproved any one for acts of worship offered to Himself, but when Cornelius offered such service to Peter--the leading apostle-- "he took him up, saying, stand up; I myself also am a man." .... Had Christ not been more than a man the same reason would have prevented from receiving worship...." Zion's Watch Tower 1892 May 15 p.157

    "It is undoubtedly proper enough for us to address petitions to our Redeemer and Advocate, who loved us and gave himself for us....Although we are nowhere instructed to make petitions to him, it evidently could not be improper so to do; for such a course is nowhere prohibited, and the disciples worshiped him." Zion's Watch Tower 1880 Oct. p.3

    "Question. The fact that our Lord received worship is claimed by some to be an evidence that while on earth he was God the Father disguised in a body of flesh and not really a man. Was he really worshiped, or is the translation faulty? Answer. Yes, we believe our Lord Jesus while on earth was really worshiped, and properly so. … It was proper for our Lord to receive worship in view of his having been the only begotten of the Father and his agent in the creation of all things, including man." Zion's Watch Tower 1898 July 15 p.216

    "In one respect many of Christendom could learn numerous important lessons from these wise Gentiles....They worshiped him in three senses of the word: (1) They fell before him, prostrated themselves, thus physically expressing their reverence. (2) They worshiped him in their hearts and with the tongue gave expression to their rejoicing and confidence. (3) They opened their treasure-box and presented to him three gifts appropriate to royalty: the myrrh representing submission, frankincense representing praise, gold representing obedience." Zion's Watch Tower 1906 Jan. 1 p.15

    "Jehovah God commands all to worship Christ Jesus because Christ Jesus is the express image of his Father, Jehovah, and because he is the Executive Officer of Jehovah always carrying out Jehovah's purpose (Heb.:3-6)." Watchtower 1939 Nov. 15 p.339

    "During the Millennium, "the princes will lead the people in their worship of Jehovah and of Christ." Vindication Volume 3 p.295

    "The people of all nations who obtain salvation must come to the house of the Lord to worship there; that is to say, they must believe on and worship Jehovah God and the Lord Jesus Christ, his chief instrument (Philippians 2:10, 11)." Salvation p.151

    "Now, at Christ's coming to reign as king in Jehovah's capital organization Zion, to bring in a righteous new world, Jehovah makes him infinitely higher than the godly angels or messengers and accordingly commands them to worship him. … Since Jehovah God now reigns as King by means of his capital organization Zion, then whosoever would worship Him must also worship and bow down to Jehovah's Chief One in that capital organization, namely, Christ Jesus, his Co-regent on the throne of The Theocracy." Watchtower 1945 Oct. 15 p.313

    The Watchtower Charter reads in part: “…out to various parts of the world Christian missionaries, teachers and instructors in the Bible and Bible literature and for public Christian worship of Almighty God and Christ Jesus; to arrange for and hold local and world-wide assemblies for such worship to use or operate radio broadcasting stations for preaching this gospel of the kingdom; and to do any and all other lawful things that its Board of Directors shall deem expedient for the purposes stated."

    5 That the Great Crowd were a heavenly class

    Watchtower 1927 15 January pp.19-20 "The Great Multitude," "… all the facts and the scriptures bearing upon the matter under consideration show that those who form the great multitude constitute a spirit class, born on the spirit plane."

    "… must be spirit creatures." Vindication Volume 3 (1932) p.204

    6 That birthdays and Christmas were acceptable celebrations and displaying the flag was acceptable

    "Even though Christmas is not the real anniversary of our Lord's birth, but more properly the annunciation day or the date of his human begetting (Luke 1:28), nevertheless, since the celebration of our Lord's birth is not a matter of divine appointment or injunction, but merely a tribute of respect to him, it is not necessary for us to quibble particularly about the date. We may as well join with the civilized world in celebrating the grand event on the day which the majority celebrate - "Christmas day."" Zion's Watch Tower 1904 December 1 p.364

    "What caused the Bible Students to stop celebrating Christmas? Richard H. Barber gave this answer: "I was asked to give an hour talk over a [radio] hookup on the subject of Christmas. It was given December 12, 1928, and published in The Golden Age #241 and again a year later in #268. That talk pointed out the pagan origin of Christmas. After that, the brothers at Bethel never celebrated Christmas again." …."Did we mind putting those pagan things away?" asks Charles John Brandlein. "Absolutely not. This was just complying with new things learned, and we had never known before they were pagan. It was just like taking a soiled garment off and throwing it away." Next, birthday celebrations and Mother's Day were discarded-more creature worship. Sister Lilian Kammerud recalls: "How readily the brothers all dropped these holidays and admitted they were glad to be free. New truths always make us happy and . . . we felt we were privileged to know things that others were ignorant about."" Yearbook 1975 p.147

    "Pardon me for intruding on your precious time, but I just can't help letting you know how much I appreciate the phonograph which came to me on the morning after the 8th, which was my 80th birthday. It was indeed a birthday gift from Jehovah, to be used in proclaiming his name. May grace and strength be given me to do with my might what my hands find to do." Watchtower 1940 Jan 1 p.16

    "In accordance with the resolution of Congress of April 2nd, and with the proclamation of the president of the United States of May 11, it is suggested that the Lord's people everywhere make May 30th a day of prayer and supplication. God was graciously pleased to cause the nation to be formed and to grow under the most favorable conditions in the world for the preservation of liberty, civil and religious.

    This is a land divinely "shadowed with wings"--over-shadowed by the providential watchcare of God's word --where God has lifted up an ensign on the mountain (kingdom), and where he has blown the trumpet message of the truth. Here the love of truth has for three thousand years attracted from all quarters of the world people who love God, love the Bible and love religious liberty. Here, practically alone of all the nations, exists in the fundamental laws of the land the safeguard that so long as the Constitution stands no law may be made nor any governmental action taken prohibiting the free exercise of religion, or abridging the freedom of speech or the press.

    Countless blessings have flowed to devout people through the wise provisions of the laws of the United States, blessing whose influences have been felt to the remotest corners of the earth, whenever even a spark of love for God-given freedom might be fanned into a glow. Here, more perhaps than elsewhere, exists that "present" which shall be brought unto Jehovah (Isaiah 18:7), earth's oblation (Ezekiel 45:1) to God of that class who, when in the age to come the restitution hosts shall be numbered, shall be found to have been "born in Zion" (Psalm 87:5, 6), taken out of the world and given, in a figure, as humanity's present to their God, to be forever sons and servants of the Most High.

    This class love to "assemble themselves together, and so much the more as they see the day approaching" (Hebrews 10:25), and they will be of all people the most ready to embrace an opportunity of gathering in an additional service of prayer and supplication. As says the spirit through the Apostle Paul: "I exhort, therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour." (I Timothy 2:1-3) Let there be praise and thanks-giving to God for the promised glorious outcome of the war, the breaking of the shackles of autocracy, the freeing of the captives (Isaiah 61:1) and the making of the world safe for the common people--blessings all assured by the Word of God to the people of this country and of the whole world of mankind." Watchtower 1918 June 1 p.174 "May 30 for Prayer and Supplication"

    "Suppose the city or state officials should issue an order requiring, or even requesting, that all persons display the American flag. What should we do? We answer, We think it would be right to display the flag in obedience to such order or request.…Every one in America should take pleasure in displaying the American flag - especially when requested so to do." Watch Tower 1917 May 15

    7 Society used symbols and ideas from pyramidology and astrology especially in support of 1914

    "For years, Bible Students wore a cross and crown as a badge of identification, and this symbol was on the front cover of the "Watch Tower" from 1891 to 1931. But in 1928 it was emphasized that not a decorative symbol but one's activity as a witness showed he was a Christian. In 1936 it was pointed out that the evidence indicates that Christ died on a stake, not a two-beamed cross." Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom p.200

    "We find it to be 3416 inches, symbolizing 3416 years from the above date, B. C. 1542. This calculation shows A.D. 1874 as making the beginning of the period of trouble; for 1542 years B.C. plus 1874 years A.D. equals 3416 years. Thus the Pyramid witnesses that the close of 1874 was the chronological beginning of the time of trouble such as was not since there was a nation-no, not ever shall be afterward." Studies In the Scriptures Series III - Thy Kingdom Come 1897 ed. p.342

    "We find it to be 3457 inches, symbolizing 3457 years from the above date, B. C. 1542. This calculation shows A.D. 1915 as making the beginning of the period of trouble; for 1542 years B.C. plus 1915 years A.D. equals 3416 years. Thus the Pyramid witnesses that the close of 1914 will be the beginning of the time of trouble such as was not since there was a nation-no, not ever shall be afterward. " Studies In the Scriptures Series III - Thy Kingdom Come 1916 ed. p.342

    "The Great Pyramid in Egypt is a Witness to all these events of the ages and of our day -- testifying in symbols? The Pyramid's downward passage under "A Draconis" symbolizes the course of Sin? Its First Ascending Passage symbolizes the Jewish age? Its grand Gallery symbolized the Gospel age? Its Upper Step symbolized the approaching period of tribulation and anarchy, "Judgments," upon Christendom? Its King's Chamber the Divine Nature, etc., of the Overcoming Church -- the Christ, Head and Body? Its Ante-Chamber the Correction in Righteousness of the "Great Company" etc.? Its Queen's Chamber those of Israel and the world who attain Restitution?" Studies In the Scriptures Series I - The Divine Plan of the Ages 1908 edition

    "In the messages of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh the agreement of one or two measurements with the present-truth chronology might seem accidental, but the correspondency of dozens of measurements proves that the same God designed both pyramid and plan." Watchtower 1922 June 15 p.187
    "In the great Pyramid of Egypt, standing as a silent and inanimate witness of the Lord, is a messenger; and its testimony speaks with great eloquence concerning the divine plan." Watchtower 1925 May 15 p.148

    "The constellation of the seven stars forming the Pleides appears to be the crowning center around which the known systems of the planets revolve even as our sun's planets obey the sun and travel in their respective orbits. It has been suggested, and with much weight, that one of the stars of that group is the dwelling-place of Jehovah and the place of the highest heavens; that it is the place to which the inspired writer referred when he said: "Hear thou from thy dwelling place, even from heaven" (2 Chron. 6:21); and that it is the place to which Job referred when under inspiration he wrote: "Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?"--Job 38:31. Reconciliation p.14 1928

    "The above thoughts came to us as we recently read the predictions of some noted astrologers, whose information we credit to the spirit demons and not to ability to read destiny in the stars. One of these in particular closely touches dates and incidents on the line of our Scriptural expectations as follows:--
    ASTROLOGICAL PREDICTIONS OF OUR TIME "In a dozen publications of this present springtime over all Europe astrologers agree that an extraordinary period is approaching. In the first place Saturn enters the sign of the Fishes in April, 1905, to remain there during 1906 and 1907. He will come out only in July, 1908. And these conjunctions, most rare in astrology, promise to be particularly hard on France."" Zion's Watchtower 1905 October 1 p.293

    "AN ASTROLOGER'S OUTLOOK We seriously question all the claims of astrology; yet the following… seem remarkably true to our expectations based upon the Word of the Lord…Saturn is the representative of the great motive power that has dominated the mind of man up to the present time. … Jupiter, representing law, religion and morality, has been perforce subservient to Saturn's greater and more potent force…When Uranus and Jupiter meet in the humane sign of Aquarius in 1914, the long-promised era will have made a fair start in the work of setting man free to work out his own salvation, and will insure the ultimate realization of dreams and ideals of all … In 1903 Jupiter will be in the Sign of Pisces-sign of the feet, or understanding, and the synthesis of the new religion is Love." Zion's Watch Tower 1903 May 1 p.131

    8 Strong Zionist support for a new nation of Israel in fulfilment of Bible prophecy

    "There are now in the world more than ten million Jews, about three-quarters of whom are in Russia, Poland, the Balkan States, and Turkey. If the movement toward Palestine should get the impulse that the Hirsch committee is able to give it, an imaginative person can conceive of the country's doubling or trebling its Jewish population before the close of our century, and of its having a larger Jewish population fifty years hence than it had in ancient times, when its census ran up to three millions. Should the restoration be accomplished, all hail to the New Jerusalem!" Watchtower 1892 November 1 p.329

    "The more closely we investigate the New Covenant, the more we must be convinced of this fact - that it belongs to Israel alone." Watch Tower 1909 January 15 p.28

    "That the re-establishment of Israel in the land of Palestine is one of the events to be expected in this Day of the Lord, we are fully assured by the above expression of the Prophet [commenting on Amos 9:11, 14, 15]. Notice, particularly, that the prophecy cannot be interpreted in any symbolic sense" Studies in the Scriptures Series III - Thy Kingdom Come p.244
    "Although the Jews are gradually flowing into Palestine, gradually obtaining control of the land of Canaan, and although reports say that already nineteen millionaires are there, nevertheless, prophecy requires an evidently larger number of wealthy Hebrews to be there before the Armageddon crisis be reached. Indeed, we understand that "Jacob's trouble" in the Holy Land will come at the very close of Armageddon. Then Messiah's Kingdom will begin to be manifested. Thenceforth Israel in the Land of Promise will gradually rise from the ashes of the past to the grandeur of prophecy." Studies In the Scriptures Series IV - The Day of Vengeance - Forward pp. xviii, xix

    "(The) regathering of Israel to Palestine would be one of the most conclusive proofs of his presence." The Harp of God (1921) p.256

    "1918 Jews began to rebuild Palestine … proof of the Lord's presence at the end of the world" Creation (1927)

    9 That the Faithful and Discreet Slave was not the anointed, but rather Pastor Russell

    "However much we might endeavor to apply this figure to the Lord's people collectively, the fact would still remain that the various items stated would not fit to a company of individuals. For instance, in the 42nd verse, in the common version it is rendered, that faithful steward; the revised version, the faithful steward; as though a particular one were meant and the term not used indefinitely for a number. Turning to the Greek text we find that the emphasis is there also and in double form--the faithful, the wise steward. ...at the time of the parable's fulfillment the Lord would appoint a servant in the household to bring these matters to the attention of all the servants, and that certain responsibilities would rest upon such a one respecting the dispatch of his duties … " Zion's Watch Tower 1904 April 15 p.125

    "Thousands of the readers of Pastor Russell's writings believe that he filled the office of "that faithful and wise servant," and that his great work was giving to the Household of Faith meat in due season. His modesty and humility precluded him from openly claiming this title, but he admitted as much in private conversation." Watch Tower 1916 December 1 p.356

    Given the 9 items mentioned above, on what basis does Jesus chose his servant to be over all his household?

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    Allelsefails - great job! Did you get any answer to your letter?


  • JustHuman14

    Once I asked a JW:

    If Jesus would makes an "inspection" in 2009 what standarts He will have? Those in 1919 or the current WT teachings?

    Will Jesus had a different way of "measuring" WT in 1919 and others for 2009?

    If Jesus supposely chose WT for specific teachings in 1919 will those teaching aply also in 2009?

  • allelsefails

    It has been about 2 1/2 months no reply. In the past they usually respond in 2 months or so. I hope to get something anytime now. I'll post what I can when I get it.

    Human - I've asked many times in different ways and can't get a reasonable answer from anyone. - On what basis does the Governing Body exercise authority? No answers. Good point with the standards used in 1919 appling today. Either they were acceptable then or now it can't be both. They are a completely different religion today.

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