I'm really getting addicted to that show. I love Ike, Kyle's little Canadian brother.
Son got me hooked on South Park
by White Dove 16 Replies latest social entertainment
Truthfully, you can learn more about the world from some South Park episodes then you can from a WT study....
Easily one of the most controversial, funny episodes of any TV show.....
White Dove
I saw that episode. It was good.
The Gerbil getting caught up Mr. Slave's bunghole is funny:
All about the Mormons is a classic too:
John Doe
Cartman is classic.
Very understandable, getting hooked on South Park. My son used to love it because I'd tell the kids I wasn't sure it was the best show for teens and then end up laughing til I nearly cried at Cartman. My son had a You must respect my authority! T-shirt and now Julian just bought one, though his is in black and white. The show is genius. I love the take off on Dr. Mareau/Marlon Brando.
Other than Cartman singing Come Sail Away, this is my favorite bit. I wish someone would post all of the segments of Cartman's Cops parody.
Black Sheep
Do whatever it takes for your son to see the episode; "Super best friends"
I really love SP, but I must admit I have a hard time clearly hearing a lot of the dialogue. Anyone else have that problem?