Correct Stan, the Apostle Paul was also an apostate. Apostate simply means one who leaves a movement or set of beliefs....not always a bad thing. For instance, one who apostatizes from the WT is doing a very good thing. Gaining freedom of thought.
Debunking the WTS view of apostasy
by Awakened at Gilead 49 Replies latest watchtower bible
Stan, I think the key here is that the word 'apostate' is repeatedly ingrained to captive JWs as a pejorative, a term to make the members recoil at one. So a captive JW will have a hard time actually understanding that Paul, for instnace was an apostate and it was only viewed as something negative by the Jewish population who still kept to the law.
From page 34 of the "Reasoning from the Scriptures Book"
"Apostasy is abandoning or deserting the worship
and service of God, actually a rebellion against Jehovah God.
Some apostates profess to know and serve God but reject teach-
ings or requirements set out in his Word. Others claim to
believe the Bible but reject Jehovah's organization."
I like quotes like this as the knife cuts both ways. As a JW I had to ask myself, is there ever a time that obedience to conscience, God or the bible would mean disagreement with the Watchtower? That very question underlies why Jesus found himself at odds with the religious community of his time, as did Paul and many others.
JW's quickly nod their heads in agreement to the reasoning book definition, because they believe first in this concept of an "Organization" that can "save" and that thru it they can enjoy Gods favour and have the correct bible based belief system to follow. The Org must always be right, even when it is wrong. Like Paul said, those who measure themselves by themselves.....
Here though is one place that it truly cuts the other way. Luke 21:8 " He said: "Look out that YOU are not misled; for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The due time has approached.’ Do not go after them"
Name one other religious group active any time over the last 20 centuries that has been so adamant about this due time having approached!
Coupled with the warning to beware of false prophets, it seems the Hallmarks of the Antichrist and the Watchtower are one and the same.
Awakened at Gilead
The only individual in the NT who was accused of apostasy was Paul:
. 21 But they have heard it rumored about you that you have been teaching all the Jews among the nations an apostasy from Moses, telling them neither to circumcise their children nor to walk in the [solemn] customs.
Jesus also commited the same "apostasy from Moses", since after fulfilling the law it was no longer necessary to follow it. Thus, Jesus and his followers are all 'apostates from Moses'.
The knife cuts both ways. But those who assume that JWs are the only true religion cannot see that.
thumbs up
Good video and explanation of what it means to be an apostate.
Interestingly, JW's are not the only religion that uses this term to demonize former members who leave. Far from it! But, it is what we know best.
Certainly, we are apostates. I think what this video, and other comments and threads have exposed, is how great an effort the GB invests in making those who leave appear as radioactive evil moon men.
You will never, not once, read an easy statement with the spirit behind it such as "We know we have opposers. Don't be afraid of them. Listen to what they say, and you will see that all we say is true and from the bible. Truly, their lies cannot hold a candle to the truth we have. Don't be afraid.
Instead, its, "The apostates lies, supplied by Satan himself, are so powerful, were you to listen to one of them, your total foundation for faith will be shaken!"
Which seems most reasonable? Did Jesus EVER say that a disciple of his was forbidden from listening to other religious ideas simply because they now followed him?
"Enter Strawman!"
Hush little baby, dont say a word
And never mind that noise you heard
Its just the beast under your bed,
In your closet, in your head -
Stan Conroy
Jesus was definitely an apostate. He healed on the sabbath, and encouraged others to deviate from the laws. Love your god, and your neighbour was his main theme. Even JW's acknowledge that Jesus brought an end to the Mosaic laws. Can't get much more apostate than that! So by OT definition, Jesus was an apostate. CT Russell was an apostate. Rutherford was an apostate. The majority of JWs today were in other religions, that they turned their backs on and now denounce. They are all apostates. So am I, and I reiterate that following the course of Jesus can't be a bad thing.
JW's have to get past their arrogance and realize that they do not have a monopoly on the concept of apostacy.
JW's have to get past their arrogance and realize that they do not have a monopoly on the concept of apostacy.
So true! (Actually their take on apostates and Apostasy is quite inaccurate)
But the Dubs do seem to be monopolizing the False prophet spot of our times. At least in the forefront!
jesus was an apostate? He himself was without sin so didn't break any law
And there you have it.
Jesus = sinless
apostacy = forsaking former beliefs
Jesus forsaked former beliefs
Jesus = apostate
apostacy = sinless
Awakened at Gilead
When I was in Ecuador householders would frequently rebuff us by telling us that it was a sin to change one's religion. We assured them that it was not a sin at all.
Of course, for a JW, this only applies if you are becoming a JW. If you are leaving, you must be a sinner.
Good logic, Rebel8