I know dreams are our brains way of dealing with problems or situations that are occuring in our life. The experts say it is healthy and to an extent I believe this. How can it be healthy when you wake up shaking and trying to mouth "Jehovah" or "help". My heart also races to the point where you can hear the beating in your ears!!! These dreams have been going on for about two years now. This corresponds with our fade. I get the connection.
I haven't had the dreams lately and I thought that it was finally under control. WRONG. For a week now the dreams have been terrible. Yes, I know what triggered them. I had a confrontation with my mom that was horrible and the tears and the crying were heartbreaking from her. It made me sad and mad at the same time. Have not written about it because it's the same old story that everyone is dealing with when they fade and family is nearby. Nevertheless, the dreams came back. I am being chased and can't see who it is and I am trying to find my kids. Sometimes it's in forest, sometimes in my house. (That one is the worse). Last nights was a real hoot. I was at the convention by myself and everyone around me were people from my past---kids from kindergarten on up to high school, people from the neighborhood, old congregations. I was sitting backwards, weird I know. Someone was speaking from the platform and I turned and looked and it was my Mom. Yikes. Mother issues? The convention ends and I can't get out of the stadium and then the dream jumps back to my house where I'm being chased. Woke up hollering.
The connections are easy to see. Dang it, though, when will they end if ever? Oh--I am not on medication of any sort, I wan't drinking, and haven't done anything to compromise my bible trained conscience!! HEHEEE So for those who are experiencing these kind of dreams, and I am sure some of you are, remember you are not alone.
Thank goodness Freddie Kruger was in the movies!!!