Video - Jehovah's Witnesses at your doorstep
by ablebodiedman 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
White Dove
I like how these videos show what jw's really mean. Biggest lie at the door: "We are not here to change anyone's religion. We are only here to encourage Bible reading."
Mickey mouse
I bet the Governing body thought the internet was as bad as it as going to get....then along came youtube!
Mockery is one of the most powerful weapons against the WTS. Afterall, mockery got Yahwehs goat so bad, he had a bear eat a bunch of kids!!! If God let's his true self show in the face of mockery, how much more so will the Gliberring Buddies?
I have to nitpick about one fallacy. When the governing body says "Jump!" The correct response is not "How high?" That is questioning the GB and a sign of being unsubmissive. The correct response is to jump. If you jump incorrectly or don't jump high enough, they'll let you know afterwards with a judicial comittee. Sadly, I know this from personal experience.
Actually I thought this just showed up apostates obsession with attacking the arrangement of having leaders of men, it also used expressions no witness would use.
It is obviously satirical...but I found it funny LOL
It does truly describe what the Witnesses do and are...just does not say it very tactfully lol
Awakened at Gilead
I'm with Reniaa on this one. How dare you mock the governing body?
And also agreed, JWs don't talk like that at the doors. JWs believe, but won't tell the householders, that the GB is running the show, or that only JWs will survive. Householders won't find that out until they've agree to a Bible study and are approved to receive the sacred "organization" secret textbook.
Thanks to Reniaa for pointing out that JWs are quite duplicit when speaking at the doors. Hooray for double-speak and cult mind-control tactics!
I agree.
The video does not use conversational expressions that Jehovah's Witnesses would normally use at a householders doorstep.
It does however, use expressions that you would commonly hear Jehovah's Witnesses saying amoung themselves at a Kingdom Hall or gathering.
It expresses what Jehovah's Witnesses are taught to believe. Not what they are taught to say.