As a JW Did other Witnesses Annoy you by Condemning " Worldly Music" ?

by flipper 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • BluesBrother

    Don't get me on my hobby horse , when I was a dub this was my biggest beef about "The Society" . Luckily, by the time that it came into the era of record-vetting and destruction, I was already married and an elder, so nobody bothered me. I always said that had I been young at home and faced this issue, I would have left home rather than have someone destroy my music.

    During the 70's - 90's I was into the heavy rock bands, as well as blues and soul and other stuff.. I mean bands like Led Zep. Deep Purple. Hendrix, even Guns & Roses. I only drew the line at really nasty stuff and Thrash Metal and so on.

    I never hid it, although I did not actively crusade against the WT , just let those who knew me know the truth. It was so silly to see The Society repeating comments that obviously came from right wing or Bible Belt sources...

    In the very late nineties when I wanted to step down from eldership, they were reluctant to accept a resignation , I had said that I had severe doubts, that did not seem to matter. But when I told the C/O that I was into "heavy metal" , that was it...I was off the body in a twinkling of an eye !

    BTW , I noted that Albert Einstein said how an elder criticised "Ave Maria" {sp?} Perhaps like me he was looking for retalliation against those who always criticised rock music. I lived to dig any dirt I could find on the classics and liked to tell people that Tchaikovsky (sp?) was homosexual, if they said the same about a modern singer..I did not want anyone to stop listening to the classics, just pointing out that their lives were not perfect either - so what?

  • cantleave

    When I was a teenager with my first car I used take a real ingrate of a sister to meetings. I hated speaking to her and used to play music in the car rather loudly. One the the Albums I would play whilst driving was The Wall. Her face was picture when she heard the Lyric " Are there any queers in theatre tonight? Get them up against the wall. That one looks Jewish and that's a coon, who let all this riff raff into the room?" I tried to expalin the satryrical context of the songs - but she just didn't get it and complained to my mother who subsequently threw most of my record collection.

  • undercover

    I was stupid enough to purge my record collection after one assembly where they went on a crusade against most modern, popular music. After awhile, I felt kinda silly having gotten rid of some of my favorite music and started to re-collect it. Then CDs came out and I just got the CD versions of the stuff I had not yet replace.

    When a second purging took place, I scoffed at it and kept my collection intact. I kept my collection out in the open, but aside from a few snide remarks here and there, no one really made a big deal about what I owned, but to be honest, I knew better than to invite zealots into my lair. Only people with similar tastes or attitude toward Society "rules" came over to enjoy my music or movies.

  • 144001

    Flipper: My dad was known by other non-JW family members as "the Pope." He was always an elder, frequently the PO, and very devout to his last day of life. I loved him dearly despite his shortcomings . . . JW being one of them. Damn, he HATED the Sex Pistols LOL

  • flipper

    DARTH FADER- Wow. An elder pulled you aside when you were helping with the kingdom hall in a work assignment dressed casually and grilled you on your Rush t-shirt ? So weird. So many self righteous people in this cult it's incredible. Don't blame you for not going back.

    TWITCH- Rush is a great group , I agree.

    BLUES BROTHER- Interesting . That is really something the C.O. didn't want you to resign as an elder due to doubts- but because you admitted you liked heavy metal music ! Shows how weird they are . Yeah, they probably dissed you because you disliked classical music.

    CANTLEAVE- Hilarious. I bet that sister really would have freaked if you showed her the movie " The Wall " with all the crazy stuff in it ! I love that flick, really satirical. I'm sorry this sister ratted you out to your mom and it cost you your record collection.

    UNDERCOVER- I'm glad you got a good part of your record collection back ! Very true what you point out- we have to be careful who we let into our home ! Before you know it they'd rifle through our underwear drawer being nosy !

    144001 - Your dad was called " The Pope " ? Yeah, my dad was a long time elder also and although he wasn't called the pope - he was city overseer for years - people ran in terror of him because he was quietly authoritative. My dad disliked Led Zeppelin ! Oh well ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Sonny Crockett
    Sonny Crockett

    I saw lots of foolishness.

    I also remember that super stupid study rag nonsense about "the dangers of popular music", in which the unbiased representation of pop music given was a band called "Gay Bikers on Acid". The guy sitting next to me literaly rolled his eyes.

  • flipper

    SONNY CROCKETT- Very true. There was definitely foolish views dissing music by the WT society. Instead of having studies entitled " The Dangers of Popular Music " - perhaps they should have had studies entitled " The Dangers of Being Taken in by Mind control Cults. " More appropriate ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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