Brenda Lee's new video

by isaacaustin 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • bluecanary

    Cute. Not going to convince any JWs, but cute.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I don't get it. This is just comical at the best. It makes those who left on serious grounds look like idiots.

    Some good points are made - but the bubblegum approach makes it all valueless.

    This one makes her 'memorial' video look mature.


  • Jim_TX

    That was funny... a bit exaggerated, but still funny.

  • Finally-Free
    This one makes her 'memorial' video look mature.

    The 'memorial' video is the reason I didn't want to watch this one. Thanks for the confirmation.


  • iknowall558

    Yes........I laughed........and then I cringed!

  • steve2


  • MarisaKristofiak

    this is a great example of what NOT to do to help witnesses release themselves from their faith. Its corny, not funny, exaggerated, and retarded.

  • marjoe

    Someone on this board wrote me and suggested I view this thread.

    Please remove the video, if possible.

    I'm not certain who "Brenda Lee" is (I checked for academic credentials and found zero).

    If any of my family who are still in the organization view this video, it will make the ex-JW community a target of derision.

    Why does Brenda Lee embarrass herself (and other active ex-JWs) in such an amateurish fashion.

    To label it “idiotic” is being kind.

  • flipper

    I think it was done in a satirical way to indicate how bizarre some of the witnesses teachings are. I liked it. A bit on the sarcastic side- but the lady spoke the truth. At least she's being honest- more honesty than what you can say that the WT society is handing out to it's people. And yes, I agree with Watson- that Lennon song at the end rocks ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • purplesofa

    Good job,

    Did she show toe cleavage on purpose?

    Although for some posters this seems over the top,

    here in the conservative Bible Belt of Arkansas

    you will find witnesses not too far from these characters

    played in video.

    I have heard some of those nasty, hateful comments

    from a few Witnesses, said in just that manner.


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