- I'm not sure if I attached this right....
Breaking News - Russia Close to Banning JWs Entirely YouTube Video
by cognac 38 Replies latest jw friends
ok, good! It worked! What are your houghts on this?
It says March 2004 in the video??
PS. Anyone know anything more about tha 50mil fine they owe Europe?
Ehm, last I checked, "Europe" was not a country. ;)
Mickey mouse
The 2004 reference is to a situation that started five years ago. The video is recent and the potential ban is now.
Daniel-p -
Daniel-p -
>>> Ehm, last I checked, "Europe" was not a country
Check again. The European Union central government is growing all the time. But in this case you're somewhat correct - the fines mentioned are being imposed by one of the member states of the EU - France. But this could be appealed to the european courts who can overrule the state government (just like the US Supreme Court can overrule US State courts).
Moscow's court had a trial that spanned several years, starting in 97. The trial poured over the Jehovah's Witness literature. The court found the religion to be dangerous (i.e. controlling) to family's lives and broke apart families. The court didn't like the JW literature (misquotes, lies, etc.) and banned all JWs from Moscow. The Society appealed and lost in 2004. I don't know what happened after that.