TED JARACZ' stroke, latest from Bethel heavy.

by yesidid 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelingeorgia

    is john barr still alive?

  • donuthole

    I think it is quite likely that the current Governing Body might adopt some kind of "laying on the hands" by which the Holy Spirit is gifted to those they wish to use in future service and positions. They will call to attention the chapter of Acts which speaks about the believers in Antioch laying hands on Paul to send him out as an Apostle and also the scriptures where others receive the Holy Spirit from Paul, Peter, etc. who they currently believe constitute the modern day Governing Body. They will note how the Samaritans had to request someone from the Governing Body in Jerusalem, Peter, to travel to give them the Spirit.

  • leavingwt
    Actually Malenfant started partaking 2 or 3 years ago...

    Wow! Didn't know that.

    I sat at his breakfast table, for a year or so, in the 90 Sands Dining Room in Brooklyn.

    He was never arrogant, dogmatic or a stickler for rules. (In contrast with at least 50% of the elders at Bethel.)

  • SnakesInTheTower


    Ther is agreat glee in this thread. Are we actually talking about a HUMAN BEING?? HB

    agreed.... we may not stand them as individuals on the GB or the GB as a group, but they are still human beings. Yes, their policies have ruined lives, but are we any better by wishing them harm? I think it causes us to lose a bit more humanity ourselves when we embrace this sort of hate. I am not being judgemental of others who are taking pot shots..... I do not know your circumstances that cause such anger. I am just making an observation. I would prefer to be better than the GB and retain my humanity. I used to work for my cousin whose specialty was case management of TBI (Traumatic Brain Injured) patients, most of whom had strokes. It is especially sad to see someone very young and healthy lose mental or physical function and be reliant on others. I hope that Jaracz either recovers completely or dies quickly. The in between of a stroke is the human equivalent of purgatory. Snakes ( Rich)

  • joelingeorgia

    if we spent our time wishing that people who caused people harm would come to harm,

    we wouldn't have time to do anything else.

  • yknot

    ...curious ...

    Does anyone know who (names, positions) these 'Brothers' are on page 19 of the "Bearing" book?

    I got an email that ""alleged"" that some new GB appointees were in it.

  • ciaociao11

    Still hospital?

  • Farkel


    :Ther is agreat glee in this thread.

    :Are we actually talking about a HUMAN BEING??

    Not by my definition.


  • ohiocowboy

    So he lost use of his right side. Nothing will change, he will still be running in circles...

  • mkr32208

    Couldn't happen to a nicer asshole, hope he dies in a LOT of pain.

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