I bought then got rid of my 'R' movies when I was in because my conscious bothered me after a while. Then, guess what? I bought them again and got rid of them again for the same reason as before. Now that I'm out, I wish I still had them. I had all of Marlee Matlin's movie collection and Tombstone. I really liked that one. I was nuts at that time.
Videos you had to get rid of
by White Dove 15 Replies latest jw friends
The Berean
White Dove
LOL! That would be a given
in the days when my littlun had a granny theyd watch casper the friendly ghost, once granny got her new zealot boyfriend now husband, casper had to go. think matilda might have been on the hit list too, i know i got back the unsuitables at some point as they were no longer watchable round there.
I never had any videos (except the ones I recorded onto video tape from Cinemax for personal use). Instead of getting rid of them, I simply re-recorded the tape with new video off TV--reusing the tapes. As they were scattered among a good number of tapes, I have no idea of how many were left, but I did find a few that I would have had to get rid of because of demonic themes.
Escape to Witch Mountain and Sleeping Beauty, together on one tape, would have had to have been thrown away. Good thing I didn't have any system to let the hounders index them.
I had to get rid of a bunch of old kung fu videos. I grew up watching them with my dad who was an elder but later on in life after I was first married, we had bookstudy in our home. Since JWs are inherently nosy, the conductor noticed them in my office one evening when I forgot to shut my door and he went in supposedly to look at my bird. I was a MS at the time and he read me the scripture about "anyone loving violence Jehovah hates" or something to that effect. He then said someone could be stumbled and as an example in the congregation I shouldn't have them. My super self righteous ex-wife took this opportunity to harp on me about it until I finally gave in as well as my "violent video games" (another big no-no).
But like, most who've gone through having to get rid of something, I've since bought them all again.
the research lady
One brother in the congregation we used to attend had to get rid of some of his personal videos--the ones he took with a hidden camera in his bathroom to take pictures of sisters as they used his bathroom. He was not disfellowshipped but rather told to go to another congregation where people wouldn't know him. Just another one of the cover-ups the Watchtower org. tries to hide. When my daughter found out what he was doing she literally collapsed on my kitchen floor screaming in disgust as she used to babysit for him and was afraid she was on one of the tapes. She is a regular pioneer and has nothing to do with us since we left this Devil worshipping dangerous and destructive cult.
I had to get rid of "Debbie does Dallas" & "Behind the Green Door"..
Never got rid of anything. I never left things out for "visitors" to snoop into. I can remember a new elder went on a "visit" to a jw family. When the family were out of the room, the older elder started trying to look at their videos and CDs and was frustrated to find they were locked up. He told newer elder that this family was hiding something...............newer elder stored that away for further thought.
is there another chapter (thread) to that blondie?