Wow! What a slippery slope indeed.
First of all, I agree that in the organization, especially at the congregation level, I have seen the so called "Miracle" cure many times over! I myself have had numerous ones of my "friends" tell me how if I take this or that (usually homeopathic), that I would not need my meds. It typically goes something like this, "Hey, my friend! I heard you were sick, If you were to start using certain juices in combination, Why! That would fix you right up." This is usually said by the person that just so happens to be selling the ONLY machine in the world that could make the juices "without" destroying them (or something to that effect). For myself, I am NOT a believer in "homeopathic" or "Holistic" medicine. In my personal opinion, there are many cases where it get's positively dangerous! (just a little side point, when people approach me about these things I direct them to
There are 2 main reasons this happens and it is not at all exclusive to JWs. 1. They have been "sucked or suckered" into what some call MLM or Multi Level Marketing, a euphemism for a "Get Rich Quick Scheme" based on a questionable business model, "the pyramid or Ponzi" scheme". This type of marketing ENCOURAGES getting your friends and families first to join you. Usually the only "customers" are people who "buy into" the scheme. 2. There is not a single one of us that will go through life WITHOUT aches and pains or anything else that "mainline" medicine can not help completely. This sets up a situation that is perfect for those who want their "youth" back, to become willing subjects of multiple questionable "cures" along with the promise of MONEY! (again, These schemes rely on the "placebo" effect and without it, the scheme colapses.
As far as it goes, you may be surprised that a majority of the "Schemes" originate in Utah! About that, nuf said.
A little footnote, and this goes for anyone telling someone who is taking meds for a true, clinical, mental health problem. If you succede in getting the patient OFF their meds and on your "miracle" cure, Makes YOU responsible for anything that results from what you (a lay person) are prescribing.