Is the fallacy of the "complex question".
The fallacy of the complex question is generally understood by the following example:
"Have you stopped beating your wife?"
Now if you have never beaten your wife, nor implied that you have or had the tendency, this question ASSUMES another question was asked and answered in the affirmative.
For example the following WOULD make sense if this was the series:
Questioner : "Have you ever beaten your wife?"
Answerer : "Yes"
Questioner : "Have you stopped beating your wife?"
We all know that this sort of questioning is wrong, however it IS evident in the following:
WTComplainer: "The WTBS has done X" (where 'X' is an acknowledged wrong)
WTApologist : "Well they're imperfect."
The ASSUMPTION is that the WTBS HAS authority to do "X".
In the mind of the WTApologist this is the series:
WTApologist :"Is the WTBS the organization used by Jehovah?"
WTComplainer: "[But] the WTBS has done X" (where 'X' is an acknowledged wrong)
WTApologist : "Well they're imperfect."
What the WTApologist is doing is inserting an answer to an unasked question in the affirmative.
What the WTComplainer would have said instead would have been the following series:
WTApologist :"Is the WTBS the organization used by Jehovah?"
WTComplainer: "And the WTBS has done X" (where 'X' is an acknowledged wrong)
WTApologist : "Well they're imperfect."
WTComplainer:"And you don't get the point, you idiot. I dispute their authority to tell anyone anything. These people are neither faithful, nor discreet and it is entirely
besides the point that many of JW's are nice people, or even that exposure to scripture has helped many to become acquainted with the same."