This was jokingly mentioned in another thread...
I think it would be great to do it- just in time for X-mas gifts!!!
What better to give your fave aposta-buddy than a scintillating Men of JWN calendar??
A Women of JWN calendar??
We could do both- I belive it is really easy and cheap to do. Most of us have the necessary software on our computers.
If enough guys and girls want to I could try to do the calendars.
We coudl have a men and womens or perhaps a men/women combo calendar.
I envision a big pic, then a little bio (or a wildly ficticious one if you are still undercover), a favorite quote... some fun and creative stuff like that. Your pic could be incognito if want as well, I suppose.
This could be really awesome.
mmmm??? what do you think?