"Men of JWN: The 2010 Calendar"! Anyone in??

by Kudra 130 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kudra

    This was jokingly mentioned in another thread...

    I think it would be great to do it- just in time for X-mas gifts!!!

    What better to give your fave aposta-buddy than a scintillating Men of JWN calendar??


    A Women of JWN calendar??

    We could do both- I belive it is really easy and cheap to do. Most of us have the necessary software on our computers.

    If enough guys and girls want to I could try to do the calendars.

    We coudl have a men and womens or perhaps a men/women combo calendar.

    I envision a big pic, then a little bio (or a wildly ficticious one if you are still undercover), a favorite quote... some fun and creative stuff like that. Your pic could be incognito if want as well, I suppose.

    This could be really awesome.

    mmmm??? what do you think?

  • undercover

    Here ya go...

  • rebel8

    Very funny!

    I am willing to host it on the Apostate Dictionary site if you want (no profit).

  • Heaven

    Perhaps we could vote on who we'd like to see in the calendar. (?)

  • purplesofa

    A calender was done with the ladies a few years back, Harlots of JWD, I think that was the name,

    so guys, yeah, it's your turn.


  • Kudra
  • Kudra

    yes! I remember the Harlots of JWD!! too funny.

    Hmm- I guess we could vote... I don't like the whole popularity contest aspect of it but it would be cool to see if there was an overwhelming desire to see one poster or the other-

    I mean I suspect that everyone would want John Doe, reniaa, and a few other local stars to make an appearance...

    But- if we can't scrounge up at least 12 studz (or chickz) we'll have to be happy with what we get LOL!

    I guess we could have "applicants" put their pic here on this thread and as the time approaches we could whittle it down to 12?

    We could call it the 12 Apostles of JWN? 12 Apostles fo the Apocalypse? A "Legion" of 12?

    Lets also vote on names for the calendar.

  • Kudra

    Sounds good rebel8!

  • Mastodon

    Sorry if this causes any of you to involuntarily engage in projectile vomiting...

    I'm also available in sober:

    In infrared:

    And in apocalyptic mode:

  • rebel8

    Men with funky toenails or unruly back hair need not apply.

    Firemen are strongly encouraged to apply.

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