How does Isaiah 2:4 apply in your case, Estephan?
I Am The Son Of Man, Who Am I?
by Son of Man 91 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Mr. Majestic
I am a photographer and musician/recording artist so my photos are used for promo.
Had to laugh at myself…. When I first read the above statement I thought it said ‘porno’……lol..!!
Sometimes dyslexia is funny…..
Spike Tassel
or NOT
Spike Tassel
Sent 22 mins ago From Son of Man To Spike Tassel Title I ran out of posts Message The Mountain of GOD represents His Kingdom. And the Lords Temple is in the land of Abraham whom GOD made many promises to. This land will be the land of Abraham.
GOD will instruct people through those that he set up in the Kingdom as rulerships. It will stem from GOD the ALMIGHTY, down to Jesus and the 12, down to me and to the nations. I am basically one of law and will sit upon the throne of David. The faithful and discreet slave is this person whom the W.T.S. claim to be as a class of people which is totally erroneous.
It makes perfect sense if you think about it. All of those that sat as kings upon GOD's throne were removed until Jesus reigns along with those under him.....GOD has not changed but will have the same arrangement as before with an earthly king. This is what Jesus meant when he said that his Kingdom was no part of this world. Christ will reign from heaven.
T.F.D.S. -
Had to laugh at myself…. When I first read the above statement I thought it said ‘porno’……lol..!!
Sometimes dyslexia is funny
…..simple and helpful in understanding. Now back to our regular scheduled programing ............(.thread stealer )
LOL ..
this information actually makes sense and has some value
Seven Major Causes of Dyslexia very interesting
Spike Tassel
Jehovah will judge as to who is erroneous, in this case
Son of Man
This goes out to anyone and "everyone". Time to prove your beliefs if this is something you actually believe. How many people does the faithful and discreet slave represent. My answer is "One Man".......yours truly, Estephan Leuese
Answer two Questions if you can Message Where is it written that the faithful and discreet slave ever dies?
Where is it written that 144,000 people go into heaven?
Their teachings seemingly made sense until Russell died. Thereafter they had to adjust their thinking in order to keep their followers.......the slave is only "one" man.
Watchtower 12/1/1919, page 357
"Portrait of Pastor Russell...His teachings"
* "Thousands of the readers of Pastor Russell's writings believe that he filled the office of "that faithful and wise servant," and that his great work was giving to the Household of Faith meat in due season. His modesty and humility precluded him from openly claiming this title, but he admitted as much in private conversation," (Watchtower, Dec. 1, 1919, p. 357).
T.F.D.S. -
Spike Tassel
a composite man. I've seen the proof, but I cannot recall it. My brain doesn't work that way, sorry. Hopefully someone else has the proof you're asking about.
I'm the earthly Jehovah, not like my brother heavenly Jehovah who a I??? Answer: Jumping Jehosaphatt
Estephan: What about you? You prefer to represent a bird? lol
You bet! Birds are to me what your delusions are to you -- wonderful. I like birds better than I like most people. I hope there's room for birds in your crazy, mixed-up vision of heaven.