As my interest wanes............

by AK - Jeff 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    All things Jw and xjw and even xxjw are beginning to bore me. Tonight, in an effort to stimulate my interest, I cruised back thru threads of the past month or so. While I found a couple topics of mild interest, and a couple more in which I found it worth effort to make personal comment, I was mostly bored.

    I have come to grips with my past religious history. I hate the religion, and honestly I hate many who practice it due to the hateful and vindictive manner in which they have personally treated me since I left. But I don't have much passion for overturning the organization nowadays, or even protesting it much.

    I believe I have reached a milestone. One that has become obvious to me, not due primarily to my view of Jw's, but due to my now clumping them together with most other religion. I think that all religion is designed to control, manipulate and imprint it's subjects with an agenda. Mostly that agenda is similar, though in some cases it is more dangerous than other cases. Still - having come to the point of being able to put them all in the same basket is a turning point for me. I have been turning that corner for a while now. I now see that corner in my rearview mirror.

    This is not the standard 'I'll see ya' around' thread. I am an addict. I know that now. There is no other reason to keep this site on my fav bar any longer. I will keep coming here. I would like to say that I won't. But I will. For I am an addict.

    I will always be an addict. Though sometime in the future I hope that I will be able to go weeks or months without posting here, I know that I must come here. I am an addict. I am stronger now. Thank you for listening.


  • BabaYaga

    I for one love ya, "A.K.". I am happy you are here.

    In one sense, I hope that all of us can move on someday! In another, I am so very grateful we are all here for one another.

  • AllTimeJeff

    I find it fascinating what keeps me coming back. It's different at different times... Maybe all of this will mean something different to you at a different point.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Sometimes I log on and can't find anything that interests me. It seems like everything has already been discussed.

    Other times I just feel that need to relate to others who have shared a strange journey with me.

    We all went to different kingdom halls together.

  • vikesgirl101

    choosinglife: That is an ironic statement that you post about how we all went to different kingdom halls together. Remember how we would hear how people all over the world were discussing the same Watchtower? Or we would hear how 24 hours a day, 365 days a year jehovah's name was being sanctified literally day and night? Yet here we are, all together, with circumstances that have drawn us to a different light, as we all search for a path that we do not know.

    And I do see the point about being an addict. I have been here six weeks, and have 170+ posts. That is like four posts a day. I need a hobby.

  • alanv

    For those of us that have friends or family still in this is still a useful site to be part of. Through this site I have learnt many things and that makes it so much easier to help others that might be sucked in by the Tower. Info. from this site can enable me to comment on sites like youtube. If my comments just help one person then it is worth it.

  • quietlyleaving

    my interest is also waning and I'm reminded of a similar experience when I first became a Jehovahs witness. I found my interest in the religion had waned after approximately a year and I wanted to move on to new concerns. At this point my "hubby to be" came into my life and he was full of "we must tell others" and I got caught up in this.

    This further reminds me of of what I was recently reading about what it means to be "called and chosen" even predestined if you like. According to this sort of thinking to be human is to be called and chosen, not for onself however, but for the other. According to this reading the other may also be seen as God but in a non theodical sense. This, it seems to me, enables one to take a fresh look at the bible and at religions in general to see what is at the heart of these life encounters.

    Our time here on JWD/JWN can be seen in that light, to an extent, I guess. If that is the case, I wouldn't see it as an addiction, but more as a feeling of humanitarian responsibilty to the other which can also be defined as love (many relgions do). Maybe this is what pulls you back Jeff. Perhaps all "addictions" have this desire at their root.

    I'm not saying this to keep you here, because your life may be calling you to others away from JWN ;-)

  • passwordprotected

    We were talking about JWN today in my household and we realise that this site doesn't really offer us what we once needed anymore.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Ql - you may be right. No matter the reason, I will be around methinks. Addicts are still addicts.


  • jwfacts

    I remember you saying the same probably a year ago. Yes, you are an addict.

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