I was told that things would be 100% safe--perfect people do not make mistakes that could result in someone getting hurt.
Which is of course not the case. As I see it (and I did not see this from the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger, but I put it together from what they did provide), the pressure will simply be too high. Quotas will be nearly impossible to reach, and people will simply have to work beyond their safe limits. Housing will be rushed--a person might have to complete two or three houses a week, plus educate all those getting resurrected, plus still have time for the boasting sessions (which will not end). Sleep will be extremely limited, preventing healing (and also preventing physical perfection). When people arrived at "spiritual perfection", everything they do will be what Jehovah tells them to--often leading to even more accidents (and boredom, stagnation, and more despondency).
Yes, I was taught that there would be "learning errors". This means that even perfect people could turn out a bad product--while they are developing their skills, that kind of mistakes are bound to happen anyways. Again, I realize that this could not happen--if everything you do is what you are told to, you bypass this phase. You also bypass being able to learn how things work, you cannot learn to be fully integrated (and hence create new items), and you become bored that much quicker. And, boredom errors (the ones you make because you are not paying attention, because of boredom) will not be permitted in the New Dark Ages.