Do you agree that if there was no global flood, then the Bible is not inspired? Here are my thoughts.
It is pretty obvious that there was no global flood 4,000 years ago. But it's possible (likely?) that there were one or more large local floods in Mesopotamia around the time of Noah. Thus, many Christians consider the possibility that the flood of Genesis was a large, local flood. When I was a believing Witness, this was my position--I did not believe in a global flood but I believed the Bible was inspired by God.
But when you read Genesis chapters 6 and 7, it seems pretty clear that the flood it's describing is global. For example, Genesis 7:19-20 reads " And the waters overwhelmed the earth so greatly that all the tall mountains that were under the whole heavens came to be covered . Up to fifteen cubits the waters overwhelmed them and the mountains became covered." (NWT)
The plain language does not seem to allow for a local flood--rather, all the mountains (including 5 mile high Mount Everest) were covered by 15 cubits of water. This is impossible. There is nowhere near that amount of water on the earth. This is but one reason that a global flood did not happen.
But does this just invalidate Genesis? Or just the Old Testament? I say no. New Testament writers, such as Peter and the gospel writers mention "Noah's day" and talk about Noah entering the ark. If the global flood of Genesis is not true, then would God have inspired his servants to write about it as if it were true? Of course not. Thus, the New Testament seems to be tainted by this false tale.
Anyway, this is just a summary of my thoughts on the matter. I would like to hear perspectives of others.