If A Police Officer "Asked" You To Do Something Would You Necessarily Do It?

by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tuesday

    For giving personal information it depends on the situation. No to the other things.

  • minimus

    I think many (most) cops believe they should be given any info they seek because---they're cops.

  • ex-nj-jw




  • VIII

    What, is this *Lets Bash Cops* Thread?

    The majority of you, all of you, would answer the cop because, more than likely, you were pulled over for something.

    Cops don't just start asking people for their *Personal Information*, just because.

    Cops don't ask to search cars--just because. There has to be just cause. If there is no just cause and no reason, there is no arrest and in the end, if they try to use any evidence, it gets thrown out.

    As for a cop questioning you, just because--again, why? Why would a cop want to bother with an average Joe who was doing nothing but standing in line at WalMart or on the street?

    So, given that, I was pulled over about a year ago. I was going below the speed limit and had my parking lights on. Just like every other car around me. Out of the blue, a State Patrol car, which had been waiting at a street to turn left on the street I was on, was suddenly behind me with lights on. I thought he had a call and needed me to move out of the way. So, I pulled over to get out of the way. I was going about 5 miles below the speed limit on a surface street. There were 6 cars ahead of me. It was about 3 pm.

    The State Patrol pulled behind me and I was obviously his target!!! WTF?! I did nothing wrong. Nothing.

    I stopped and turned off my car. I rolled down the window and waited. Nervously.

    The officer walked up and asked for my license and registration and insurance card. I gave them over and asked what I did wrong?

    He said driving with my parking lights on was a violation. Huh? He reached in and turned them off. HUH! WTF?! No one reaches in and touches my lights. He didn't look at my license yet.

    He asked where I bought my car, how much I paid, where I get it serviced and all kinds of questions about my car. He has the same model, different year. He wanted to talk about our cars. He stood in the rain (it was raining lightly, which is why my parking lights were on) for 1/2 hour talking about cars, tires, horsepower and modifications to our cars.

    He gave me my license, registration and insurance without looking at them.

    I have seen him in his regular car. He honks and waves. I wave back.

    This has never happened before and I'm sure will never happen again. It was the weirdest experience I have ever had. I am sure the State Patrolman didn't call in my license plate. He just turned on his lights and got me to pull over.

    I have been pulled over before and have always been cooperative.

    Are there A-hole cops out there? Of course. Chicago is full of them. Neoptisim is the rule of law. But, for the most part, they are honest and are trying to do the right thing. They are dealing with people who can hide weapons and know how like never before.

    Perhaps, because of being in the JWs, our perception of people in power is skewed.

  • minimus

    Actually, I would be PISSED that this cop arbitrarily decided to do what he did----just because he could. That account irritates me.

  • IronHill

    i agree...what if you were late? or needed to pick up your child?


  • leavingwt

    If the cop wants to search your car, he WILL search your car. You have little to no control over the situation. The search may be later ruled inappropriate, but you will be searched.

    I do not attempt to "prove a point" or "stand up for my rights" when I'm interacting with an armed, (often) overworked and underpaid civil servant who I'm not personally familiar with.

    I can press my case with the courts, at a later date, if I feel that my rights have been violated.

  • VIII

    minimus, I was freaked out for quite a while. I still check out all the State Patrol cars when I see one. The officer lives somewhere in the area because I've seen him locally and he takes his car to the same dealer for service.

    After the shock wore off I got mad. But, what could I do?

    This was an example of the police being able to use their power just because they could. Which is why I gave it.

    It was surreal when it happened. Recounting it, it sounds crazy, but, it did happen. I can remember it like yesterday. Everytime I drive by that spot on the road I think of it and everytime I see someone with parking lights on I wonder if *they'll* get pulled over. (I've never seen anyone pulled over for that-there would be an uproar)

    I have great faith in law enforcement in spite of it. They have a tough job and deserve the benefit of the doubt.

  • minimus

    Police ask questions with authority and expect answers. Hey! I used to watch Kojack and Starsky & Hutch!

  • stillajwexelder

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