So, we were brought up in/enticed into an organisation that we believed was a spiritual paradise.
Everyone appearing to be better than the world around them. But were they?
My experience was of youngsters leading double lives, partying hard like the best of the world. Husbands and wives cheating on each other occasionally. People buying nice houses, nice cars and lots of travelling, oh and LOTS of problems with ALCOHOL! But personally I don't think it was any worse or better than anyone who wasn't a JW. Some may disagree here. The only difference was that we were fed the propaganda that EVERYONE in the world was a fornicator, adulterer, gambler, drug taker, alcoholic, cheater, materialist, etc.
When I left and got to know 'worldly people', sure, there were a few that swore, smoked, like to drink, were on their second marriages, liked the high life, fast cars, big houses etc, pursued education with a glorious career in mind. Big deal (not). I found that on a basic level people are good. I now have friends that do not judge me for: how many meetings I do or do not attend, how many times I show my face in the ministry, whether I believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster or God or Allah, how big or small my house is. They like (or do not like) me based on who I really am. They are loyal friends, faithful partners and instill good morals in their kids (and most do not go to Church....). Totally unlike the picture painted by the Society. Although I miss my old JW friends, I certainly don't miss the subtle (and not so subtle) judgementalism of those friendships.
So what has been your experience?
If you saw more bad behaviour in general amongst your JW friends, WHY do you think that was? How did you excuse the behaviour at the time. What did you find when you left?