Good-bye Everyone

by cognac 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • is there help out there
    is there help out there

    Give me a break, You come to this board for help and we all give it you, Then you tell us to get lost and you no longer want any thing to do with us.

    You sound like a person who uses people.

  • DJK

    Jehovah damn it!!! umm I mean, God damn it, I never got to meet the baby.

    Well I'll be doing some fall shopping in September. Maybe we'll cross paths while your shopping for baby clothes.

    Best wishes to you and yours.

  • bluecanary

    Cognac, you have a pm.

  • skeeter1


    I have greatly enjoyed all of your posts. I wish (pardon the word if you are offended) you and your husband the best on your spiritual journey and married life together. You do owe this to your marriage and I understand the reasons why you must leave.

    Each week, please Google News on Jehovah's Witnesses to see the major news stories. You never know when something really big happens, and it's not reported in the Kingdom Hall.


  • kitten whiskers
    kitten whiskers

    Ignore the cookie monster avatar poster! He must have gotten cookies that had Splenda instead of sugar! (I assume he/she was kidding!)

    Anyway, I think this is wonderful!

    When you stop reading literature that interprets the bible for you, and you rely on God's Spirit without outside influences, it is AMAZING!

    I felt so guilty going to Border's bookstore to look in the religious section to buy a new bible. But I found one with four translation versions that I fell in love with! You can read them side by side and get a better feel for the scriptures. Pray. Pray hard and really let God work with you. Reading in the morning, with the sun shining on you and a cup of coffee in hand in a quiet house is truly a gift from God. You will find that as you read and let God lead you, it is as if he is sitting next to you, with his arm around you, guiding you and showing what the scriptures say and really mean. I never had such an experience as a JW. It will change your life! God bless and guide you as you enjoy a most precious time together.

    Don't feel bad about leaving the board! We will miss your discussions...but we know you are happy and working for the good of your family! And that's what real friends want for you and yours! I'm so happy you and hubby are taking this opportunity. You may find you can't put the bible down and continue reading a whole book in one sitting because it is so interesting and you see things in such a different light. It's not an assignment now, it's a pleasure and an adventure. Enjoy!

  • blondie

    cognac, you realize that you can use Google to find discussions about jw topics without coming to JWN. I highly doubt that he will be able to study the scriptures with you without using the crutch of a publication.

    Good luck,


  • oompa

    hmmmm.....i just got to know you kinda......."no religion is involved" in your studies??????........not sure how that will how did he know you were "here".......i know.....but wtf is the prob with that?......he is ob scared of scrutiny......but do what you want to save a marriage or fam....or anything else important to you.......but please know that you should not live in fear......i could not.......oompa..........luv ya

  • OnTheWayOut

    I have to agree with Blondie. Don't let him use the NWT or the WT library to understand scriptures.
    If you all want to understand it better, do research on the internet together. Sites about the scriptures- just google.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I wish you both all the best on your adventure.

    (((((Cognac & Hubby)))))


  • carla

    All the best to you both! Hope your deal goes better than ours did, we had the same deal for a very short while. Hope we don't see you for quite some time then the two of you can come here and say hello! truly hoping he sees, carla

    ps- did you agree not to use a NWT? that should be part of the deal too! he shouldn't have a problem with it due to the jw 'all scripture is inspired' thing they like to repeat. Or if you must then use the old KIT.

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