What is the mission of those on this board?

by The Berean 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Berean
    The Berean

    Venting, closure, confession, social networking, advocating a new direction, building a case to leave the borg, kicking a dead horse, assisting the abused, warning the public, cursing God and religion, Justifying actions, filling time, belonging to something, education, identifying mental disorders, condemning hypocracy, highlighting errors of the past, making fun of other people, self pity, hope for recovery???

    As a newby, I can't tell ...

  • Honesty

    Exposing the satanic Watchtower Society's doctrines.

  • Satanus

    No mission. It's just a residual form of addiction, for me.


  • AllTimeJeff

    All of the above dude....

    I actually move further and further away from a "mission". At first, I came here primarily for me. That still is the case, but lately, I feel rehabbed enough to hopefully offer healthy support for those who want to leave.

    As a personal interest, I enjoy discussing/debating politics and religion. Imagine that!

    This forum, and others similar, offer me the ability to hang with people who understand me (a little) and visa versa.

    I note no specific agenda as a group, and this forum in my view is made up of individuals of all stripes......


    In Canada all problems are solved with a beer..All entertainment is enjoyed with a beer..

    I come to JWN to drink beer!..(After 5pm of course.)..


  • cabasilas

    I note no specific agenda as a group, and this forum in my view is made up of individuals of all stripes......

    Well said. There is no monolithic "apostate" group. There's a wide variety here.

  • BluesBrother

    To learn from others : to share what I know : to help where I can : to receive help from the only people who know what being an ex JW is all about: To have fun

    What more reason do you need?

  • chickpea

    as the guilty party who brought the b0rg
    into the lives of my family, it is incumbent
    upon me to be able to debunk the programming
    my children were subjected to and to assist
    them in gaining footing denied them as cult members....

  • ldrnomo

    My main reason is venting. Other then my wife, communication about what I experienced is virtually nil so talking to others who have experienced the same things is therapy for me.

    In the process I would also like to be exposing the Watchtower for what it really is and I hope that those lurking on this and other sites will read this information and open their minds up to independent thinking.

    When I was assimilated into the bORG in the late 70's there was no information other then the bORG's own to call on so I'm am grateful that others now hare this avenue to research.


  • OnTheWayOut

    It varies per individual. You did a great job of compiling possible reasons we are here.

    I am going to bold and underline all my current missions from your choices:

    Venting, closure, confession, social networking, advocating a new direction, building a case to leave the borg, kicking a dead horse, assisting the abused, warning the public, cursing God and religion, Justifying actions, filling time, belonging to something, education, identifying mental disorders, condemning hypocracy, highlighting errors of the past, making fun of other people, self pity, hope for recovery???

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