My JWN Anniversary

by cameo-d 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • cameo-d

    I noticed the JWN time clock is actually a few days ahead of schedule. Anyway, it has rolled over to show that this is my 12 month mark.

    I know that a few people here read and enjoy my posts.

    But I have also noticed that very few people seem interested in participating in discussion of my subject matter.

    Just thought I would post this and see what you all might have to say about my time here.

  • mrsjones5

    What is your subject matter? I think I may have missed it.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Hey, first of all Happy Anniversary!

    I noticed that your started topics include "How To Make Lemon Soufle", "Rosemary Seasoned Rack of Lamb"..... oh wait, thats Julia Childs..... lol

    There are many posts I read, and the ones I respond to I just do, it has nothing to do with a poster like yourself. I always enjoy your comments. I liked your Armageddon Chronicles especially....

    I think that for me, there are so many posters, so many topics, that I just organically post, not a lot of thought goes into it one way or the other. Having said that, you are valuable, and to be here a year is cool! I will have to read up on your story if you have put it out there...

    Have a great Sunday!

  • cameo-d

    Mrs.Jones: "What is your subject matter? I think I may have missed it. "

    Well it ain't the "clog your arteries" recipes like you post.

  • leavingwt

    Happy Anniversary!

    I read some of your posts with interest.

    You were not a JW, correct? Do you really find us to be an interesting lot? Is it like watching a train wreck? LOL!

  • mrsjones5

    "Well it ain't the "clog your arteries" recipes like you post."

    well I don't eat like that all the time

  • cameo-d

    LeavingWT: "You were not a JW, correct? Do you really find us to be an interesting lot? Is it like watching a train wreck?"

    Yes, yes, and yes.

    JW-ism has touched my life through other people that I have been close to. I have been to KH a couple of times and have seen the routine. I am in contact with some JWs. Years ago one of my dearest friends was an ex-JW and I never knew the depth of what it meant. If I had known then what I know now, I could have been a much better friend. I also have estranged family members that are JW.

    Train wreck? Yes, indeed. After not hearing from these family members for years and years and never having known these relatives nor having seen them grow up nor share family ties with them, I made an effort to reach them a few years ago. The family is a mess. One suicidal, another a drug addict, and other one running a rebellious tattoo parlor. The parents are wealthy; too bad they did not put some of their money toward educating themselves and their children.

    My dear friend (mentioned above) who was ex-JW was a kind, loving, compassionate person. I think she only mentioned in passing that her parents were JW. One day she took me to her parents house because she needed to get something there that belonged to her. (She had left home quite some time ago.) She knocked on the door, no one answered. We went in. Her father was there and she spoke to him asking how he was and how was her mother. He just stood there and looked at her and did not speak. He pointed to her book on the table near the door (she had called in advance to let them know she was coming for it). Then he walked out of the room.

    I asked her later what was wrong and she said "oh, they just don't speak to me anymore," and it seemed she didn't want to talk about it.

    This girl had left home and was pursuing a Ph.D. when I met her. Her major? Philosophy.

    Her apartment was filled with stacks of books...subjects I thought dry and boring...Martin Luther, St. Augustine, etc. etc.

    She had an odd nervous affliction...she would pull out her eyebrows and her hair.

    The one thing I notice in these JW/ex-JW people I have known is that they all have deep psychological trauma from being touched by the WT demon. It saddens me greatly because they have not been able to live up to their true potential because of this. And because they feel guilty to allow themselves any happiness in life.

    I came here looking for answers as to why my JW friends were a bit weird and what was behind these strange beliefs. I got quite an education from you all. From there, I began to ask a lot of questions about religions in general. I was never involved with religions nor have I been a church-goer. But now, these concepts interest me very much because I am beginning to see religion as a psychological experimentation on humans. It is like a spell; like mass hypnosis. It is a control mechanism. Is it a necessary evil? Does it really keep man moral? I don't think so. It appears to be all about money and control. And the aftermath it leaves, for those who finally see through it, is just as destructive to the psyche as when they were involved.

  • journey-on

    Happy anniversary. I am always drawn to your posts. You have a quirky side like me. I don't expose mine as much as you do. I tend to hold some of my findings to myself because some posters like to slap labels on you pretty quickly based on only a few posts and not your whole body of work (so to speak); i.e., conspiracy theorist, new get the idea? You come right out with it, Katy-bar-the-door style. I respect that.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Happy anniversary. You like a touch of tinfoil, a little of which I'm not averse to myself.

    You also have a similar sense of humour to me, I always read your threads even if I don't always have time to reply to each one.

  • Jadeen

    Happy Anniversary! One thing that I've found really interesting on this board is the similarities of people's stories- being marked for daring to be a little different, uncaring congregations, and unfair JCs, to name a few.


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