Wow your U-I-L sounds just like my in laws. My husband always gets (while I am sitting there no less) "what you have here is a headship problem, if you were any kind of family head, you'd make 'r go to meetings, most problems all the way back to the garden of Eden are just headship problems". This time they were in town (DC week) I took myself out of the equation, what a relief. My poor husband though, still has that pesky headship problem.
Wheee!!! spent a lovely evening with JW family *rolls eyes*
by Odrade 37 Replies latest jw experiences
gah, not fun. Well, I'm just not going to put myself if the way of that again, because I do NOT think I'll be able to keep my mouth shut a second time.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Segue into "the best advice the Society ever gave regarding rape is to make yourself vomit on the rapist. That's the best way to stop an attack cold, just vomit on the rapist."
I said "surely they aren't saying that anymore because that so-called method has been shown without a doubt not to be a reliable way to stop an attack." It was like I wasn't even there. He actually pantomimed vomiting several more times after that and said "best method, best advice, that's what the Society says."
That may be in theory, but the majority of us can't just make ourselves vomit on someone whenever we want. Yeah, a nutjob like that can fake it and make it sound easy, but really try it. I can't just "will" myself to vomit. Jam my finger down my throat? Doesn't work for me. And like that would be practical when being attacked. I can puke like the best of 'em... when I'm sick. But I've known people that never have barfed, ever. And what if you haven't eaten in hours? Are they going to be scared away if you burp at them or something? If UIL is attacked by a dog in service, will he be able to vomit on the dog?
If he brings Kool-Aid to a family gathering... don't drink it.
B the X
wha happened?
I love how this religion allows for nobody's in life to think they are somebody. An uneducated dimwit working as a janitor has more wisdom than everyone because he has Jehovah's spirit on him.
Can't make assumptions like that. This man is highly educated, works in an executive position (nearing retirement,) and of very high intelligence. In his outside life he is absolutely NOT a nobody. Just goes to show you how the WT can make morons out of even brightest people if they buy into it.
Billy, my objection to his statements wasn't that it's difficult to induce vomiting, but that he shows a fundamental lack of understanding of violent sexual crimes. An action like that is much more likely to get a woman killed than to stop an attack, and the WT knows this, which is why (I hope) they don't make this claim anymore. I'm not confident in that though, because U-I-L was one of the first to be invited back to NY for that special elder training, so he is undoubtedly well-fortified with the current party-line. So that is the bullshit he is carrying into judicial committees.
wha happened?
Can't make assumptions like that. This man is highly educated, works in an executive position (nearing retirement,) and of very high intelligence. In his outside life he is absolutely NOT a nobody. Just goes to show you how the WT can make morons out of even brightest people if they buy into it.
Well that's a rarity. Most with that sort of education could see the forest through the trees. My previous comment stands though.
His very ignorant thinking that rape is a sexual crime allows for stupid remedies such as vomiting. Rape is a violent crime. The WT's stand will likely not change
U-I-L was going on and on about the perfection of Jehovah's Legal System, he even had the gall to bring up how just it is that "as long as a woman screams when she is raped" it doesn't matter if nobody hears her, "as long as she screams, she will get justice." Also he was going on about how perfect the 2 witness system is, and how it protects anyone from unjust accusations
jamiebowers: He is obsessed with sex crimes AND sex. That was probably the 10th time that evening that I heard, when he mentioned either rape, sex, or the "sexual filth and perversion of the wicked system." FFS, we were only there for 2 hours!
Feel free to have him Call me or my brother! Look up Tyler Davidow on the web or here, show him the case, if he still wants to talk, I'm hip.
PS, good seeing you around. The world is a much brighter and better place w/ people like you in it.
wha happened?
Look up satan on the web???!!??!!?!?!?
LOL @ Avi, a guy like that is going to toe the party line all the way. Look it up on the internet? Not. I doubt he'd be looking up what he would regard as "apostate lies" on the internet. Oh man would I ever like to be an observer though, if in some strange universe he found himself trying to go toe to toe with you! :)
I found out from family that U-I-L was a convert, and he came from a bad background. Might go a ways to explaining his fanaticism, although it hardly excuses it. Anyways, I doubt I'll be seeing him again.