The problem is once you are in, there is no dignified way to leave.
Jackson's kids going to the Kingdom Hall: By The Ladies of The View
by Country Girl 29 Replies latest jw friends
I discovered
They just want you to have shameful feelings if you leave. Heck they really do need a jw witness protection program.
I'm so glad to know that they are being exposed to their uncles and aunts that left. They need a shield hopefully they can
get some real love from them.
I discovered
They just want you to have shameful feelings if you leave. Heck they really do need a jw witness protection program.
I'm so glad to know that they are being exposed to their uncles and aunts that left. They need a shield hopefully they can
get some real love from them.
I discovered
Sorry about the double post. Real Love not the fake love they get at the hall hell.
Sherrie mentioned that MJ was "in the library"........which any nonJW will not have any clue that he was not in the library to check out Watchtower books. JWs all know that "being in the library" carries a lot more along the line of punishment being doled out than being an avid reader!
The Almighty Homer
You think MJ would have spent most of the time in the bathroom checking out which nose to wear.
I feel sorry for these kids. For regular JW kids to standout in school, pushed to a type of 'public' view, because of not doing holidays, not saluting the flag, not doing organized sports or extracurriculars in the school arena, then going door to door publicly, obligated to comment at the Kingdom Hall is excrutiating enough but for these kids it will be compounded ten-fold.
Why is the media never bringing up that Katherine will never accept a blood transfusion for these kids if God-forbid that would ever happen. The head lines of the media then would be that the child would be a 'ward of the court'. And pictures have shown that Michael had birthday parties for the children, how are they going to feel when they can't at least have their birthday party?
I discovered
I can't believe that Michael Jackson didn't update his will every year...I can't believe that older one is the 'Right " one.
Snoozy, who bet her grandson (never been a JW) that the Grandma would take them to the KH real soon..He said No Grandma she wouldn't do something like that..(seriously). I couldn't wait to tell him it was true...