Why So Much Media Coverage For The DC This Year?

by Bangalore 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bangalore

    This year there seems to be quite a bit of coverage regarding the Disctrict Convention. Newspapers throughout the US and Canada have covered it. Also many TV stations have covered it? What gives? Did the WT run a big public relations campaign or something to get the media to take notice or something? Or is it just a coincidence?


  • LightCloud

    I am leaning to the big PR push side by the WTS in conjunction with a big rallying cry to the rank and file. Its fairly easy to put out press releases and since the print media is hurting for stories to fill up space they will be more than glad to pick up on it. I have gotten several calls from relatives about a big, exciting, emergency accouncement at the DC that I really really need to attend. Sounds like they are getting all whipped up about something but more than likely its the same old nonsense.

  • LightCloud

    Sorry double post.

  • Heaven

    Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I think there are often blurbs in the religious section of the newspapers and mentions in the last 3 minutes of local news that include the JW's being in town. It all depends on the slow news- summer is typically slow news.

    I just think a better effort to post these things on the net has come about. If you didn't catch the news in years past, but were now paying attention to the internet ex-JW stuff, it would seem like an increase.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    They will typically put out press releases hoping to get some free advertising for their event. This happens every year.

  • JeffT

    What I've seen looks like press-releases. Especially gvien the hard times, 10,000 people coming into town sounds like a big deal.

  • blondie

    Actually, just about every DC has a PR person who sends a press release to the local newspapers and local tv stations. Most just run a brief paragraph or two so they tended to be invisible. Others do a little more because the locality benefits greatly from the influx of money for lodging and food and gas. I think this year's theme on the "end" of the world is more interesting that last years "Follow the Christ."

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Dont you remember their big campaign strategy? ADVERTISE ADVERTISE ADVERTISE!!! And thats all it is...around the Palm Beach County area, they were advertising their convention as a "survive the end of the world seminar to be held every friday" when the reality was it was the first friday of each week of the convention they were going to have ANYWAY despite whatever the hell the economy was doing this year! BAIT AND SWITCH!! FOOL the public into coming! Luuuuuure them in like a spider in a web.

    They sicken me.

  • WTWizard

    It's a scam. They tell people that they need to go to find out what they need to do to survive the end of the system of things. Then, they get them in, where they are told that they need to go to all the boasting sessions, go out in field circus, and cut off all worldly ties. So they do those things, believing that it's what is necessary to survive. They end up becoming witlesses, and another 50 or more years come and go without the end coming. Of course, leaving at such point will put hardship and hassle in their way because the witlesses will hound them to death. They have even been known to use remaining family members, at the very least getting them to shun the departing witless, after hounding people to bring in their whole families.

    The end is coming, regardless of what anyone tells--but being in a cult is not going to help you survive. And it is impossible to calculate the date--it will come from tyrants trying to control the whole world. Codex Alimentarius, the One World Totalitarian Government, and President Osama Obama are all working toward this. And, the Washtowel Slaveholdery itself would like nothing more than to seize control of the whole world and start the Second Dark Ages. People are going to die, and survivors will be enslaved and made stagnant to death. There is no cult that will give people escape once this happens.

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