by purplesofa 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • sammielee24

    While I do agree that posters should not be hounded, nor insulted for the way they think - I do not believe that they should not be called out when they in turn insult the integrity, experience and knowledge that others have. For example - a current JW may say unequivocally that the WTS does not have anything to do with child custody cases and when faced with the hard truths about the actual interference and instruction, from real experiences and real knowledge of these cases from people, they may continue to insist that it either doesn't happen or it doesn't happen much or it can't happen because they haven't seen it and everyone who is on the board is apostate anyway so you can't believe them.

    It must be dialogue honored from both sides but in no way should an apologist be allowed to downplay the experiences of those around them either. sammieswife.

  • cameo-d

    Is it right that one person should be allowed to cause so much board disruption?

    What about some hijack rules?

    When someone takes the issue at hand and makes it all about themselves, the OP is cast into the abyss. How is that helpful to anyone?

    Sure, keep Renaai here. But how about limiting her posts?

    Maybe this will show whether she has sincerity in her posts or whether she is here just to deliberately cause board disruption.

  • palmtree67

    I didn't care for her. Everything I told about how I felt, she put a "dirty spin" on it, til it wasn't what I felt at all.

    She's a perfect example of "Just because you have an opinion on something, doesn't mean you have to say it."

  • bluecanary

    There are other JW apologist here. Posters like Spike and Ernest involve themselves in discussions and debates all the time. Why is it that Reniaa is so strongly disliked? Not because of her opinions, but because of the way she tries to provoke. No one kicked her off of the board. She left of her own accord. Ex-JW posters have left for the same reasons she did; claiming they were being picked on. If you want to play nice and be respectful of others you can make your opinions known, whatver they be. But if you poke someone with a needle, they're going to scream and probably smack you.

  • mouthy
  • mouthy

    Now wasnt that nice???


    Reniaa did hound the poster that wanted custody of his kid..

    So Purps makes a good Point..

    Angharad counters with a good point also.."It works both ways"..

    The problem most complain about,is Reniaa Hi-Jacking threads..

    Lets face it,Reniaa is a Pro at Hi-Jacking a thread..

    She gets the subject off topic and runs with the ball..

    The solution is simple..

    Enforce Guideline #10........Reniaa breaks that rule all day long..

    My buddy and Mod "OZ"..Has asked me to not to post off topic before..And..To Post my own thread,on the topic I wanted to post about..

    I had no problem with that..

    Oz was cool about it,he was right..


    I got a lot of hits on that thread..Thanks OZ!!..LOL!!

    Reniaa will get just as many hits on her own thread,as she would Hi-jacking one..

    People will be less pissed off......Reniaa can write about what ever he/she wants..And...Simon,Angharad and the Mods will have a lot less grief to deal with..

    EveryBody Wins!!


  • isaacaustin

    agreed outlaw

  • mouthy

    I am sorry I posted above a P.M. that was sent to me.
    And Anghard e-mailed me & said she had it removed as it is NOT allowed

    Sorry Angie, Wont do it again... But you have to admit it was a nice one

  • highdose

    hi maybe i should explain myself? as i'm the new poster concerned

    when i first posted on here a few weeks ago to introduce myself, the responce i got from Renia was very judgemental and patronising. i also noticed that this was what she was like with alot of other posts.

    it took alot of courage for me to write my story to you all, and i wasn't confident about doing that and getting the usual responce back from renia. For someone whose in the fragile state that i'm in, that kind of cruel, patronising responce was exactly what i used to get from the JW's, and it ultimatly drove me to a nervous breakdown... i didn't want to have to go through that again.

    i think what i'm trying to say here is that until i'm stronger, i'm trying to protect myself from bullies as much as possible.

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