That is a good option for deep sleep Doe.
Insomniacs...your tricks for staying asleep?
by restrangled 73 Replies latest jw friends
John Doe
Sleep well everybody.
But girl I know you're a freak
I'm as pure as the driven snow.
John Doe
I'm as pure as the driven snow.
I pee on the driven snow every chance I get. I can even write my name.
Doe, you FREAK!!
John Doe
You're just jealous cause you can't write your name.
wha happened?
Medical Marijuana
Spike Tassel
having an en-suite loo and a drink of water by the bed help. so does keeping my emotions on an even keel. and avoiding junk food, alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. an unlisted telephone number is helpful. so is having a foam mattress on a wide heavy-plastic lawn chair, with the foot end elevated a notch, and the head end elevated by the lawn-chair's mattress folded in half laid cross-wise under the foam. sleeping during the day often works the best for me to get the best sleep. oh, and I sleep with the door open but with no-one else in the room.
wha happened?
I'm such an insomniac. Always had been. It was useful during my days as a recording engineer.
I did everything recommended. Well one day I tried marijuana for the first time in 20 years. Slept the whole night. Got a Dr's note and that's what I do. In the morning I rarely buy coffee. I used to buy a venti latte every morning. 20 oz of coffee.
There's no hangover and I can function great
Spike Tassel
Coffee's another thing that many have to avoid. Oh, and it's good for me to not have an elevated heart-rate in the 2-3 hours before heading to bed. So, no verbal fights, no walking for an hour, no intense TV shows (etc.) during that crucial interval.