Me at Manhattan beach a couple of weeks back
Post a Picture Thread - Nice to Meet You !
by flipper 2310 Replies latest members private
CANTLEAVE- Nice picture. You look like you are relaxing enjoying yourself.
VIDIOT- Hope someday to meet you when you feel comfortable to post. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Here are a couple of my sons cats we were watching last year we call them our " grandkittys " - lovely cats, great personalities.
Nice picture OTWO ! Nice to see you -
Here's another picture of these same two cats Macoon and Maya cuddling on the couch ! Really cute.
Would love to see more pictures of folks ! Feel free to post on this private section thread -
Here's a picture of me and my son Flipper Jr. on a hike from 2013 in the Sierras
Here's one of the beautiful lakes we saw at the 2013 Lake Tahoe Apostafest in 2013
Nice pics!
Something about mountains and lakes that just makes you go "ahhh"
We're fortunate to live within spitting distance of the Rockies - we should really go there more often. We went camping for the first time ever last year so now have a tent at least.