Here is a pix of my two grandchildren 6 years old and 6 months old.
by flipper 2310 Replies latest members private
NY Lovin' the grandchildren pictures! Star Wars, still hanging around such adorable little guys! The little one has an Elvis curl, I love it! He even seems to have the expression down too haha
I need to post a pic of my 7 month old grandson now that I have one, finally. I was beginning to wonder with kids that are 32, 30 and 26. ( Thankfully not thinking about that with my 10 year old quite yet )
Nice pictures, Orphan Crow - you have beautiful hair.
And I like the Chewbacca impersonation, too!
cantleave: Well there you go, I thought OC was a bloke.
Lol! You are not the first or only, cantleave!
Sorry about that. I talk like a man sometimes.
I have to give credit to my father for that. He let me grow up like a boy. My mother hated me and so did my older brother and sister. So I tagged along with my dad whenever i could. I was his puppy from the time I was little - I spent many summers hanging around building projects. He was in construction - building trades. Site supervisor for large projects - hospitals, schools, office buildings, stores. Lots of residential and commerical.
I think I cut my eye teeth on a 2x4! Down in some basement somewhere that my dad had just poured the concrete for. And, I have worked in the trades over the years. Hard hat and steel toed boot kind of gal here! I have worked on lots of all male crews.
And my dad taught me how to play pool when I was 8. I have been a pool room brat ever since. My game is snooker. My competition is all male. Lol! I have played against and met some fine, fine snooker players. World class players. I love snooker.
It's all my dad's fault. He let me be who I wanted to be. And he was always proud of me. Whatever I did.
Thanks all for the comments.
Njw...a "few" pages back??, how many? I am looking...
Here is a photo that brings back memories. It was taken in the summer of '74. The year before the Big Bang. I was sixteen years old and on my way to Calgary with my baby and his father. Such a long time ago. My flower child days!
I spent a year in Calgary while his father was serving a sentence in jail on a drug conspiracy charge. My first Christmas celebration was visting the inmates for a Xmas concert in the auditorium of Spy Hill. Humphrey and the Dumprtucks played. And an inmate band.
Heck, I'm on a roll. Photography is my passion. So are my children
I have been looking at the photos of eveyone's beautiful children and grandchildren that have been posted. I want to brag, too! We all should...
This photo was taken in 1994. The man in the photo is my son, the baby I was holding in my '74 photo. (my "JW Jesus" look-a-like! he is a dead ringer for the Paradise book image - he even has the scar on his belly where he was cut..)
He is holding his daughter - my grandbaby. Peeking out the side is my daughter - my beautiful tomboy and strong and capable girl.
My daughter took this photo the same day - we shot a couple rolls that day:
I was doing my undergraduate degree at the time so these photos were processed and printed at the university darkroom by moi. My daughter helped me. She was my #1 assistant! She would sit on a stool in the darkroom and shake the trays for me, watching the clock. She knew the whole darkroom procedure by the time she was 8 years old! She could operate a film back studio camera - a 4x5 - and she did many photo shoots with me. We even hauled that big old camera out into the rural fields for shoots!
We were a team. We still are.
Beautiful family OC!( Check your PM)
It's fun to brag on the kiddos and grandkiddos. It's our right as parents/grandparents correct?I love that dress on your granddaughter he is holding. So you have a large age gap as well in your kids. ( 22 years for my first and last)
That flower child "look" is in vogue once again. My middle daughter is embracing the fashion. Once I began working in an office in May, I bought some new clothes and finding myself embracing it as well. An office mate commented on my " Stevie Nicks look" the other day HA. He is my oldest daughters age, how does he know Stevie Nicks ?
Maybe I'll do up my hair Farrah Fawcett style one day soon ( my high school hairstyle) and see what reaction that brings ( hehe)