Post a Picture Thread - Nice to Meet You !
by flipper 2310 Replies latest members private
Hi Flip, Nice picture! Lovely wife....All the Best 4thgen -
Crisis of Conscience
My brother, on the left, and I last week at Disney World.
Me and a friend in 2013, I'm the shorter one to the right.
Awwww, thank you SSC and jhine! -
A turkey in a harrington - whatever next? -
A turkey in a harrington - whatever next?
His hat is pretty outlandish too.
CoC and Punk,
LOVE the stream of pics! Don't stop. Attached is me and my baby girl daughter, taken a few years ago. My other pics are current; this one is a few years old. Along with my son, she is the light of my life and my inspiration. I'm crazy dopey stupid about both of them.
never a jw
Here I am, a bit scared that the wind is going to blow me off the rock, but triumphant at the highest point of a local peak (San Jacinto, near Palm Springs CA, 10,800 feet), after a grueling one day 10,400 ft ascension. The hike is called c2c (cactus to clouds) because that's exactly what you experience. You go through 5 different ecosystems on the way up, from dessert to forest. Coming down, after a 2,000 foot descent, you get rewarded because you can ride the aerial tramway for about 6,000 ft. The rest of the way back to your car you do it in a taxicab
Nice, punk, a hat for fowl weather...